Yet, we send our children to school to be EDUCATED!! Not socailized. Not one of the ten reasons to send your child to school has anything to do with education??? Except number 10 and it makes no sense, home schooled children are smarter and have a better advantage in the marketplace is what number 10 means!! Are you saying you would rather have your child be socially potty trained, riduculed, bullied and beaten up while singing Batman smells and Robin laid an egg?? Something is seriously wrong with this picture!!
My son doesn't know his ABC but he can sing Jingle Bells?
My daughter thinks 2 plus 2 is 7 but that's okay she tells the whole class when she has to go peepee! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the best laugh I've had in a long time! I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. Think about it people what's really important to our children??