I have colonic inertia due to senna laxative abuse and an attack of hepatitis A abt 8 years ago. I am now suffering the repercussions, of overdosing on senna with a sluggish bowel and persistent discomfort, on the lower left side of my stomach. Every day revolves around whether my BMs will be good or not. I was recently advised to do a bowel/colon cleanse with IF#1 and IF#2. The question I have is this - having read the ingredients in IF1 - they seem to be mostly powerful stimulant laxatives - namely senna and cascara, having said this, would taking these for even periods like 3-4 weeks, make them habit-forming? Since my system is already dependent on psyllium and Triphala, for daily elimination, would I be risking possible dependency, on IF1 if I were to do the cleanse, with these products?
I would appreciate, a response from Dr Schulze, to this post, at the earliest. Thank you.