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LiveBetterServeJesus Explains His/Her Brand Of Christianity

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LiveBetterServeJesus Explains His/Her Brand Of Christianity

It was suggested that dogmatic discussions take place in a suitable forum. I couldn't agree more. What better place for this discussion to take place, than in the Dogma Forum. Here is the discussion as it began in the Relationship Forum. Let us continue it here.

LiveBetterServeJesus Says:
"Corinthians 7:2
Paul wrote "But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband." &
" think, after Jesus came down to earth, the Rules lightened up a bit in some areas (sacrifices, food,...wives)."

My Reply:
Are you saying the god of the old testament and the new may not have been the same OR that he didn't foresee the way things ended up going, and needed to make changes mid stream. Although that doesn't bode well for omniscience does it? Almost seems like an apologists dilema. Can you help me out here?

LiveBetterServeJesus Says:
"I believe that as more people crowded the earth and got smarter, God changed what our requirements were (are). That changing point hinged on Jesus making the ultimate sacrifice for all of us."

My Reply:
He didn't foresee this? But what about his omniscience? I mean he should have known this would happen right, or is the power of the god you refer to not as powerful as he/it/they could be?

Also god's personality seemed to go through quite a metamorphasis between the old testament and new. One book he's murdering children and the next lets his son do all the talking. Quite a shift indeed. So what other changes could there be in store for human kind as we get even "smarter"?

...and whatever happened to the good old Book of Mary?

Banned? Censored? What happened?

LiveBetterServeJesus Says:
"He (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit) gives us free will, wanting us to chose Him and not sin. As evil's strength has grown throughout time, He has stepped in to help us (when He wants to, according to his plan, The Plan). And also requires different things from us, depending on the situation.

What is the Book of Mary? I am not familiar with it. Something Catholic?"

My Reply:

Where did evil come from? Where did sin come from? Where did his plan come from? Does his plan change (is it wavering or steadfast)?

What happens if we, with our god given free will, don't choose him?

The Book of Mary was a book written by the mother of Jesus. It was her account of things. This book was not included in the Bible. I was wondering what you thought about this?

It's nothing catholic persay, mor historical/spiritual/corruption.

LiveBetterServeJesus Says:
"The Bible contains all we need to know to get along in this world, but there are those (like yourself & me) who want more info for curiosity's sake.

Evil and Sin are introduced in the Bible by Satan.
God's plan came from His infinite wisdom of all things.

'Does His plan change?'
Isaiah 40:8 "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever".

Matt. 24:35 "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away."

'What happens if we, with our god given free will, don't choose him?'
Well in a nutshell...damnation to hell.

The book of Revelation (as well as many other verses) descibes what that is like.

There are some good concordance books out there (besides the one at the back of most Bibles). "Where to Find It In the Bible" by Ken Anderson is pretty good.

Many Christians give their own theories about subjects not completely explained in the Bible.

Did you read Ev's suggestion about Aliens in the Bible? Fascinating.

I have never heard of the Book of Mary. Is it on the internet?"

My Reply: To be continued.......



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