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Re: Dr. Eric Pearl's Reconnective Healing
daizy4 Views: 10,137
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 391,045

Re: Dr. Eric Pearl's Reconnective Healing

I am a practitioner of Reconnective healing. It is profound work, which taps into Source.....there is no protocol involved, just Intention and receiving the Energy for the client and myself. It is also pre-frequency work, similar to tachyon, so the client uses the raw energy and converts it to the exact frequency that is needed. It is more evolved than, say Reiki and other frequency modalities. The frequency that one receives from Reiki may not be the specific frequency that your unique circumstances needs. But with Reconnection, there is no guess work, the receiver recives the exact frequency needed!!

As a receiver of the work, it is deeply relaxing, inducing a still point and altered state. In this state, the body is able to balance itself. I can't specify what it did for me, because I didn't have any serious conditions to do a before and after observation about. I can only tell you that it feels really great!!!


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