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THE HISTORY OF POLIO SERIES 1 to 3 of 3 by Vince Clements

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THE HISTORY OF POLIO SERIES 1 to 3 of 3 by Vince Clements

Vince Clements


Polio is important because, more than any other disease, it convinced a skeptical public that vaccines were not only safe & effective; but necessary to fight killer viruses like poliovirus.

As you will see, prior to the introduction of polio vaccines, polio had a wide definition that included the crippling diseases, encephalitis, etc.
The definition of polio will come into play later on; but for now, let’s focus on what some outspoken doctors of the early 20th century were saying about vaccines & polio.

Dr. Ritchie Russell/Neurology, Radcliffe Infirmary Oxford (1955):
when poliomyelitis is precipitated by inoculation, the natural defences of the nervous system seem to be ineffective, & nearly all such illnesses develop into a paralytic form of the disease.

Dr. Harry R. Baybee:
My honest opinion is that vaccination is the cause of more disease & suffering than anything I could name.

Dr. F. H. Haines:
It is impossible to say what remote after-effects may be caused by the introduction of alien substances into the bloodstream. Many nervous & other disorders of unknown origin follow far too often. Products which alter metabolism change the nature of fundamental secretions; cause profound change in the fluids of the body; cause allergy & anaphylaxis; & are the negation of nature’s own methods.

Lancet (Apr 8/1950): Dr. McClosky/Melbourne, Australia inquired into 340 cases of poliomyelitis in Victoria & found that 31 had occurred in children who had received a diphtheria or whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine, or both, within three months of onset/30 cases suffered severe paralysis.

Dr. D. H. Geffen/1950 stated: in the first four months in St. Pancras, London, 30-children under five, developed infantile paralysis within four weeks of being immunized against diphtheria, whooping cough (or both). Most paralysis occurred in the injected limb; with seven occurring in other parts of the body.





Vince Clements



Polio is important because, more than any other disease, it convinced a skeptical public that vaccines were not only safe & effective; but necessary to fight killer viruses like poliovirus.

Naturally occurring wild poliovirus was a common gut inhabitant for millennia; giving no more than mild gastrointestinal discomfort. However, when poisons from such things as vaccines, drugs, & pesticides enter the body, the effects can be devastating.

The word poliomyelitis was coined from the Greek words "polios" meaning gray, & "myelos" meaning marrow. The word means inflammation of gray matter of the spinal cord or brain; or wherever gray matter is found.

The history of Polio

Pesticides and paralysis

Metal workers had suffered for centuries from a paralysis similar to polio, caused by the lead & arsenic in the metals they were working with. English scientist John Cooke (1824) observed: 'The fumes from these metals often causes paralysis.'

Lead arsenate Pesticides

From 1890 to 1940, lead arsenate (lead & arsenic) pesticide was sprayed in the US up to 12 times every summer to kill codling moth on apple crops. The timeline, 1890 to 1940, coincided with the first "polio" epidemics in the United States.

As early as 1892, polio outbreaks began to occur in Vermont, an apple growing region. In his report, Government Inspector Dr. Charles Caverly noted that parents reported that some children fell ill after eating fruit. He stated that 'infantile paralysis usually occurred in families with more than one child, & as no efforts were made at isolation, it was very certain that it was non-contagious.' Polio epidemics exhibited some strange characteristics that the medical cartel couldn't explain with their viral causation theory.

Polio outbreaks generally hit throughout the summer, & most often in rural areas. The exception was the 1916 New York City polio epidemic that killed over two thousand people. It was caused by a virulent strain of poliovirus that was engineered at the Rockefeller Laboratories, and “accidentally” released into the public. Also, polio epidemics were always over by fall, when viral diseases are known to ramp up. Throughout history, "polio" had NO ability to spread from infected victims to the uninfected. It was neither infectious nor contagious.

DDT Pesticide

In 1943 DDT, a neurotoxic pesticide was introduced & widely used in US households & farms as a means for killing insects. DDT is linked to nervous system damage; including paralysis. A polio epidemic in the UK town of Broadstairs was linked to a local dairy using DDT on cows.

In 1944, Albert Sabin reported a major cause of sickness & death of American troops based in the Philippines was poliomyelitis. Poliomyelitis is a term that describes spinal pathology involving inflammation in the spine; while paralytic poliomyelitis refers to diseases that cause paralysis in either limbs or the respiratory system.

US military camps were sprayed daily with DDT to kill mosquitoes. Neighboring Philippine settlements were not affected. High polio rates were generally seen in Western soldiers overseas; but not local populations.

In 1944 the NIH reported that DDT damages the same anterior horn cells that are damaged in infantile paralysis. In 1949, Endocrinologist Dr Morton Biskind, a practitioner & medical researcher, found that DDT causes ‘lesions in the spinal cord similar to human polio.'

In 1951 Drs. Ralph Scobey & Morton Biskind testified in front of the US Congress that the paralysis around the country known as “polio” was caused by industrial poisons. They testified the “virus theory” was purposely fabricated by the chemical industry/gov to avoid liability.

But, the viral causation theory was not something to be questioned. The careers of prominent virologists & health authorities were threatened. Biskind & Scobey's ideas were subjected to ridicule. Dr. Biskind treated his polio patients as poisoning victims, removing toxins from their food & environment, especially DDT contaminated milk & butter. Doctors report success treating “polio” with antitoxins used to treat poisoning—dimercaprol & ascorbic acid.

Dr. F. R. Klenner—polio epidemic in North Carolina/1948, 60-cases came under our care. The treatment was massive doses of vitamin C every 2 to 4 hours. Children up to 4-years received vitamin C injection intramuscularly. All patients were clinically well within 72-hours.

Dr. Biskind (1953): The entire apparatus of communication, lay & scientific alike, has been devoted to denying, concealing, suppressing, & distorting.
Libel, slander, & economic boycott have not been overlooked.

Use of DDT was gradually shifted to developing countries.

Salk, the first polio vaccine, was used on orphans in gov/church run institutions; because they didn't require parental consent signatures. The vaccine was "declared safe" & that particular vaccine gave 40,000 orphans polio, permanently paralyzed hundreds & killed at least 10.

DDT was phased in USA around the time widespread polio vaccinations begin. With the ramp-up in vaccination, the paralysis narrative starts all over again. As polio vaccines cause huge spikes in "polio"; a misinformed public demand even more polio vaccination.





Poliovaccines Before Salk: Maurice Brodie & John Kolmer

Before Salk’s vaccine, there had been failed attempts to vaccinate for polio, including in the 1930s.

How did they affect public perception of Salk’s vaccine in 1954–55, if at all?

Charlotte DeCroes Jacobs: In 1934, a polio outbreak had just devastated Los Angeles; the public was becoming frantic. The press announced that two scientists were on the verge of preventing polio.

Maurice Brodie of New York University prepared a polio vaccine using inactivated virus from the spinal cord of infected monkeys. After inoculating himself and a handful of children, he reported the vaccine to be safe.

At the same time, Philadelphia researcher John Kolmer made a vaccine using a live virus weakened by chemicals. Having inoculated 42 monkeys, his two children, and himself, he publicized his success two days after Brodie’s announcement. In a race to see whose vaccine would be first to rid the world of polio, they vaccinated around 10,000 children each, in two different trials.

When a number of children became paralyzed, Brodie and Kolmer were chastised by the scientific community for rushing into human experimentation without proper animal work and safety tests. Brodie’s career plummeted; a few years later, he died suddenly from a suspected suicide.

At the time many questions remained about the poliovirus: How was it transmitted?
How many strains existed?

Following the 1934 tragedy, investigators became leery, constraining further vaccine work. Years passed with almost no progress. The public had long forgotten about Brodie and Kolmer. Near panic erupted year after year when the “summer plague” afflicted children. And then polio dealt a blow to its most famed victim, Franklin D. Roosevelt.

The March of Dimes

Basil O’Connor, Roosevelt’s law partner, helped found the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, a voluntary health organization devoted to fighting polio. O’Connor organized the March of Dimes, collecting millions of dollars from the public to help defray polio victims’ medical costs and to initiate a research program, under the direction of Harry Weaver [a neuroscientist who was director of research at the foundation]. Weaver recruited elite scientists, including esteemed virologist Albert Sabin, to solve the polio problem. They advanced slowly until an eager, young physician-scientist named Jonas Salk joined them.

How much did the public know, or understand, about the Science of Salk’s vaccine, before the large-scale trial in 1954?

There were heated debates between scientists over the idea of using a “killed” virus, as Salk’s did, versus a “live” one—and, then, whether it would be safe to use the virulent strain named “Mahoney” in the vaccine, as Salk’s did.

Were those debates public knowledge—or were these behind-the-scenes conversations?

When Salk joined the group of senior scientists supported by the March of Dimes, he had a major point of divergence. They believed that only a vaccine containing live, weakened virus could impart effective lifelong immunity by inducing a low-grade infection, as was the case with smallpox and yellow fever. Salk believed he could make a vaccine with an inactivated or killed virus which could impart immunity while being completely safe. Most researchers, led by Sabin, maintained that protection from a killed virus vaccine would last only a few months.

Salk didn’t want to stand in line behind this cadre of senior scientists, waiting to help make a live-virus vaccine on their timeline. He and his relatively small Pittsburgh laboratory group—not some large pharmaceutical company—made a killed poliovirus vaccine in just over three months, in 1952. Later that year, he conducted trials at the Watson Home for Crippled Children, giving every shot himself. The parents and staff were sworn to secrecy as he knew the press would hover, and senior scientists would try to block him. After he measured anti-polio antibodies in the first vaccinated child, he knew he could prevent poliomyelitis.

When Salk disclosed his work to the scientific advisory group for the March of Dimes, they took sides: those in favor of an immediate nationwide trial and those who were adamantly opposed, waiting for a live virus vaccine. The former prevailed. Such a trial would constitute one of the largest clinical trials ever conducted, and it would involve experimentation with children.

A Pittsburgh Press reporter leaked the story. The public didn’t know about the scientific arguments over live versus killed virus vaccine, or whether the one of the strains used in the vaccine may be too virulent. They were anxiously anticipating a vaccine, and Jonas Salk rapidly became a hero in waiting. Starting in the spring, hundreds of thousands of children would be getting shots—half with a polio vaccine, half with salt solution.

Although most objections stayed within the scientific community, they occasionally made headlines:

“Polio vaccine researchers got into a hassle last week,” Time reported. “Several States Balk at Tests of Polio Vaccine,” read a headline in the Chicago Daily News.

The World Health Organization issued a statement that read, “Mass immunization should not be generally adopted until such times as scientific data are available on the innocuity and efficacy of the vaccine.”

Little White Coffins

At the same time, Salk began to receive disturbing mail. Among the most vitriolic came from D.H. Miller, self-proclaimed president of Polio Prevention Inc., who circulated anti–polio vaccine articles nationwide.

One, titled “Little White Coffins,” began, “Only God above will know how many thousands of little white coffins will be used to bury the victims of Salk’s heinous, fraudulent vaccine.”

But most of the public believed in Jonas Salk. He had come to personify the fight against polio. Pictures of this humble physician with an engaging smile appeared on the front pages of newspapers, on the cover of magazines. Few scientists had reached out to the public as did Salk. He answered their questions, calmed their concerns.






Nevertheless, at 9:35 a.m. on April 26, 1954, the biggest clinical trial in the history of American medicine commenced when 6-year-old Randy Kerr of McLean, Virginia, was vaccinated against poliomyelitis.

What a historic trial that was—monumental in size, conducted solely in children, financed and conducted by volunteers through the March of Dimes. In selected elementary schools across the country, over a million first, second, and third graders were assigned by random draw to receive vaccine or placebo. The March of Dimes carried out the trial not with some professional research organization but with an army of volunteers: 20,000 physicians and public health officials, 40,000 nurses, 14,000 school principals, 50,000 teachers, and 220,000 housewives.

On April 12, 1955, the results of the trial were announced. The vaccine had been 80 to 90 percent effective against paralytic polio and harmed not one child. Jonas Salk became an international hero overnight.

After the vaccine was licensed in the spring of 1955, what was the government’s approach to prioritizing who would get the shots, and when? And what major logistical issues did companies face in producing the vaccine?

Within hours after the announcement, the director of the Laboratory of Biologics Control said the vaccine warranted careful consideration for licensure under the Biologics Control Act. That same afternoon Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Oveta Culp Hobby announced amid great fanfare that the vaccine had been licensed.

The March of Dimes was ready. Six months before he knew the trial’s outcome, O’Connor had ordered 27 million doses of vaccine from Parke, Davis, and Eli Lilly, which had supplied vaccine for the trial, and four other firms. All agreed to follow Salk’s detailed manufacturing guidelines. Vaccine would first be offered free to the 1.4 million children who had participated in the study but not received vaccine, followed by 4.8 million children who would enter the first grade (the most susceptible group) and pregnant women.

Thousands of pounds of polio vaccine were rushed across the country within hours of its being licensed. The nationwide vaccination plans did not proceed smoothly, however. The U.S. government had relied on the March of Dimes to perform the vaccine trial, after which O’Connor passed oversight of production and distribution to the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The government faltered in that transition.

With an overwhelming demand for vaccine, the American system of free enterprise gave rise to chaos. Before children to whom vaccine had been allocated were given a shot, half a million doses were shipped to private physicians. Employees in some pharmaceutical firms were vaccinated. Price gouging became rampant so that families with means received shots first. The six manufacturers could not produce vaccine fast enough for the waiting public, creating mass exasperation. The polio season had just started, heightening the distress. President Eisenhower took charge and ordered that an equitable distribution plan be created.





The Cutter incident

What about what’s been called the “Cutter incident”—the paralysis of children injected with vaccine from Cutter Laboratories?

Two weeks into the national immunization program, the surgeon general Dr. Scheele received reports that seven children had become paralyzed following inoculation, most with vaccine from Cutter Laboratories in Berkeley, California. He suspended all vaccinations. Although government regulators reported no problems with Cutter’s production, Salk did his own investigation and found Cutter had deviated from his procedures, which left behind live virus in some lots of vaccine.

In what became known as the Cutter incident, some lots of the Cutter vaccine—despite passing required safety tests—contained live polio virus in what was supposed to be an inactivated-virus vaccine. Cutter withdrew its vaccine from the market on April 27 after vaccine-associated cases were reported.

The mistake produced 120,000 doses of polio vaccine that contained live polio virus. Of children who received the vaccine, 40,000 developed abortive poliomyelitis (a form of the disease that does not involve the central nervous system), 56 developed paralytic poliomyelitis—and of these, five children died from polio.[2] The exposures led to an epidemic of polio in the families and communities of the affected children, resulting in a further 113 people paralyzed and 5 deaths.[3] The director of the microbiology institute lost his job, as did the equivalent of the assistant secretary for health. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Oveta Culp Hobby stepped down. Dr William H. Sebrell Jr, the director of the NIH, resigned.[4]

Surgeon General Scheele sent Drs. William Tripp and Karl Habel from the NIH to inspect Cutter's Berkeley facilities, question workers, and examine records. After a thorough investigation, they found nothing wrong with Cutter's production methods.[5]

A congressional hearing in June 1955 concluded that the problem was primarily the lack of scrutiny from the NIH Laboratory of Biologics Control (and its excessive trust in the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis reports).[4]

A number of civil lawsuits were filed against Cutter Laboratories in subsequent years, the first of which was Gottsdanker v. Cutter Laboratories.[6] The jury found Cutter not negligent, but liable for breach of implied warranty, and awarded the plaintiffs monetary damages. This set a precedent for later lawsuits. All five companies that produced the Salk vaccine in 1955—Eli Lilly, Parke-Davis, Wyeth, Pitman-Moore, and Cutter—had difficulty completely inactivating the polio virus. Three companies other than Cutter were sued, but the cases settled out of court.[7]

The Cutter incident was one of the worst pharmaceutical disasters in US history, and exposed several thousand children to live polio virus on vaccination.[3] The NIH Laboratory of Biologics Control, which had certified the Cutter polio vaccine, had received advance warnings of problems: in 1954, staff member Dr. Bernice Eddy had reported to her superiors that some inoculated monkeys had become paralyzed and provided photographs. William Sebrell, the director of NIH, rejected the report.

Surgeon General Dr. Scheele/1955:

The Salk vaccine is hard to make & no batch can ever be proved safe before giving it to children.

Cutter lab was used as a scapegoat, since all of the other labs were having similar problems; but they had no intention of stopping or losing any profits. Any doctor, scientist or authority on vaccines knows that these substances are highly toxic & can never be made safe.

The Salk vaccine with its decomposed kidney tissues & pus from diseased animals, combined with other poisons, cannot be injected into the living bloodstream without harmful effects. The records of the experiments on children show that more of the vaccinated died or contracted polio than did the unvaccinated.

The fact that all the vaccinated people did not die does not mean that they were not harmed. No one knows yet, what the future results will be. [We now know the future included an epidemic of cancer & an epidemic of chronic diseases.]

While other countries remained cautious, the US Government & medical profession had no hesitancy in using the unproved vaccines & repeating their blundering tests on millions of human beings; even after the large number of deaths & paralysis had proved it to be not only a failure, but a dangerous killer.

Most of the experiments were made on children too small to fight back. Shortly after the Salk vaccination program began, the American Public Health Service (June 23, 1955) announced 168 confirmed cases of poliomyelitis, with six deaths.

The interval between inoculation & the first sign of paralysis ranged from 5 to 20 days. Dr. Carl Eklund, one of the Government’s chief virus authorities (Idaho): polio struck vaccinated children in areas where there had been no cases of polio.

During the preceding autumn; in 9 out of 10 cases, the paralysis occurred in the arms in which the vaccine had been injected. (News Chronicle, May 6, 1955) According to the Daily Telegraph (June 18, 1955) the State Health Director of Idaho stopped further inoculations.

However, the vaccine makers were gambling for big stakes. The condemned Cutter laboratory had over a million dollars of deadly vaccine on hand. The other 5 laboratories were involved also, because deaths & disease were being reported from their vaccines every day.

Then suddenly the deaths from Salk vaccine ceased to be reported. The Salk Program was being censored & deleted out of the news to keep people complacent & acquiescent. Death, disease & failure of vaccination is ignored in this country, in favor of fabulous profits for a few.

In Dallas 10-children died as a direct result of the "safe" diphtheria shots. For every child that died, 100s suffered from various vaccine diseases; many with permanent disabilities. This is not a special case; it is typical of all vaccinations. But it's all covered up.
In the Dallas case, the drug company paid a fine, scapegoated one of its employees, & continued business as usual. In this type of "white-collar" murder, guilty parties are not reprimanded or even asked to cease & desist from a continuance of their crimes.

Dr. William F Koch (MD, PhD) stated: "the injection of any vaccine, or toxin, has shown a very marked increase in the incidence of polio; at least 400%. Statistics on this are so conclusive, no one can deny it."

In St. Louis/1933 after a typhoid vaccination campaign there was an outbreak of encephalitis (a form of polio) in which over 100 died. It was reported that the disease developed about 10-days after vaccination; & in each case vaccinia was indicated in the brain post-mortem.

In 1926 two prominent English Professors of Pathology, Doctors Turnbull & McIntosh reported a number of cases of encephalitis lethargica (sleeping sickness—a form of polio) following vaccination. The British Ministry of Health revealed 231 cases & 91 deaths from encephalitis.

Apr 11/1950: combined injections for diphtheria & whooping cough cause severe cases of infantile paralysis—two weeks after injections. Doctors realizing the danger of their findings to the government’s diphtheria immunization campaign, withheld publications pending follow up.

Isn’t it appalling that governments & vaccine promoters know that vaccination causes paralysis; yet they insist on having the revenue from this deadly practice regardless of the consequences.

LA-1946 after the largest smallpox vaccination campaign in city's history, an epidemic of polio broke out within two weeks. The County Epidemiologist estimated 28,000 cases. An average vaccination campaign nets doctors about $2 million; so, this one must have been tremendous.

The amt of the LA "take" was never revealed. This polio epidemic triggered a "bigger than ever" 'March of Dimes' campaign & people were ‘bled" again for money to support the medical racket that creates more disease in order to scare people into more donations; a vicious cycle.

England, Australia & USA are not the only countries that have found vaccination causes polio & its variations such as encephalitis, meningitis, & certain other diseases. Quite recently there have been corroborating reports from Holland, Czechoslovakia, Germany & Switzerland.

AMA Journal-1926 stated: In regions with no organized vaccination of the population, general paralysis is rare. In patients with general paralysis, Dr. Daraskwiewiez has never seen smallpox scars, but smallpox vaccination scars were always present.





Diagnoses Change by AMA-1956

AMA-1956 mandated medical doctors no longer diagnose diseases once labelled polio, as polio. All children in th USA were vaccinated against polio, so plio was eradicated.

Those "polio" diagnoses must now be rejected in favor of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Acute Flaccid Paralysis, Bell's Palsy, Cerebral Palsy, Lou-Gehrig's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis etc.

This deception gave the public the impression that the polio vaccine eradicated "polio." Since that time, many pro-vaccine arguments are premised on that deception.

How the polio epidemic ended in the USA:

The CDC Made These Two Radical Changes and 30,000 Diagnoses of Polio Instantly Disappeared

Both the definition and diagnosis criteria of 'Polio' were "conveniently" changed following the introduction of the Salk vaccine:

“Prior to 1954 any physician who reported paralytic poliomyelitis was doing his patient a service by way of subsidizing the cost of hospitalization… two
examinations at least twenty-four hours apart was all that was required… In 1955 the criteria were changed …residual paralysis was determined ten to twenty days after onset of illness and again fifty to seventy days after onset…This change in definition meant that in 1955, we started reporting a new disease… Furthermore, diagnostic procedures have continued to be
re-defined. Cocksackie virus infections and Aseptic Meningitis have been distinguished from poliomyelitis (previously Meningitis etc. was classified as 'Polio')…Thus simply in the change of diagnosis criteria, the number of paralytic cases was pre-deterrmined to decrease.”

***Dr. Bernard Greenberg, Chairman of the Committee on Evaluation & Standards of The American Policy Health Association during 1950s testifying before Congressional Hearings, 1962

An amazing presentation by Dr. R.E. Tent, in order to understand how polio vaccines, & vaccines generally, created an epidemic of cancer & chronic disease:

DR. R.E. TENT: Monkey Viruses in Polio Vaccines led to an Explosion of Human Cancers
The Exploding Autoimmune Epidemic - Dr. Tent - It's Not Autoimmune, you have Viruses

Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth By Walene James,%20the%20patient%20had%20to%20exhibit%20paralytic%20symptoms%20for%20at%20least%2060%20days&f=false

Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth by Walene James—

Polio Vaccines & SV40:

The CDC Made 30,000 Diagnoses of Polio Instantly Disappear—

Pesticides and Polio: A Critique of Scientific Literature



DDT and the Polio Fallout

Back in the early 1950s, Dr. Morton Biskind was an environmental scientist who, in the midst of the propaganda concerning polio – and the massive amounts of DDT being sprayed in many areas of the US in an effort to kill disease-carrying mosquitoes – had the scientific composure to argue that the most obvious explanation to the polio epidemic (and other central nervous system diseases) are physiological and symptomatic manifestations to industry-sponsored spraying of the world’s populace with central nervous system poisons. Before DDT, aluminum and arsenic were sprayed on many of the nation’s fruit orchards across the country.

In the late 1800s, Germany invented DDT and its use spread throughout Europe. A few years after its use, there was an outbreak of polio in Denmark. Doctors immediately recognized the correlation of a pesticide that attacked the nervous system as a cause for polio. They temporarily banned the use of DDT.

So, the linkage of polio to DDT was discovered very early, but like most truths that concerned the giant chemical companies, it was suppressed making sure that we would have to constantly relive the horrors of DDT and polio and subject millions of people around the world to deadly environmental toxins and a life of misery, all for the bottomline of profits. The chemical industry has been aware for more than 100 years that pesticides which attack the nervous system of insects, also has the same effect on human nervous systems.

And, believe it or not, although most of the world has banned DDT, it is still being used in India, Africa, North Korea and a few other countries. And guess what, polio is still appearing in these countries. There should be no debate -- polio IS caused by environmental toxins, namely pesticides.

“We have heard of localities where the polio incidence rose after DDT spraying.” Rodale Encyclopedia of Common Diseases, 1962

“In 1983, via new legislation, DDT was allowed back into the U.S. marketplaces but only in pesticide blends. Within only a few months of this re-entry, a new kind of polio epidemic re-emerged labeled “post-polio”…this correlation is not even a whisper in the mainstream media…Central nervous system diseases continue: acute flaccid paralysis, chronic fatigue syndrome, encephalitis, meningitis, muscular sclerosis.” ‘Environmental Aspects of post Polio Syndrome’

“It is quite clear that the authorities are keeping certain information
secret. They do their best to hide their contributing role concerning the production and misuse of DDT behind a polio-virus and a supposed miracle-vaccine.” Gerhard Buchwald MD, citing ‘Polio: An Illness caused by pesticides?’ by Vlado Petek-Dimner


In 1976, Dr Jonas Salk, creator of the killed-virus vaccine used in the 1950's, testified that the live-virus vaccine (used almost exclusively in the U.S. from the early 1960's to 2000) was the “principal if not sole cause” of all reported polio cases in the U.S. since 1961 (Washington Post,September 24,1976). The virus remains in the throat for one to two weeks and in the feces for up to two months. Thus, vaccine recipients are at risk, and can potentially spread the disease, as long as fecal excretion of the virus continues ( American Academy of Pediatrics, Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases:1986(Elk Grove Village, Illinois: AAP):284–5.

In February 1992 the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published an admission that the live-virus vaccine had become the dominant cause of polio in the United States (Strebel PM., et al. Epidemiology of poliomyletis in U.S. n 1992, one decade after the last reported case of indigenous wild virus associated disease, Clinical Infectious Diseases CDC, February 1992:568–79). In fact, according to CDC figures, every case of polio in the U.S. since 1979 was caused by the oral polio vaccine (CDC reference above) Authorities claim the vaccine was responsible for about eight cases of polio every year (Institute of Medicine. An evaluation of poliomyelitis vaccine policy options.IOM Publication
88-04(Washington DC: National Academy of Sciences,1988). However, an independent study that analyzed the government’s own vaccine database during a recent period of less than five years uncovered 13,641 reports of adverse events following use of the oral polio vaccine. These reports included 6,364 emergency room visits and 540 deaths (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), Rockville, MD. & IOS. The Polio vaccine coverup COPV Vaccine Report: Document #14. http://www.ios(dot)com/~w1066/poliov6.html)

Public outrage at these tragedies became the impetus for removing the oral polio vaccine from immunization schedules (Strebel PM., et al. Epidemiology of poliomyletis in U.S. one decade after the last reported case of indigenous wild virus associated disease, Clinical Infectious Diseases CDC, February 1992:568–79)

It is a myth that Polio causes paralysis in those that contract it:
What are the symptoms of polio?
Surprisingly, 95% of all individuals infected with polio have no apparent symptoms.
Another 4%–8% of infected individuals have symptoms of a minor, non-specific nature, such as sore throat and fever, nausea, vomiting, and other common symptoms of any viral illness.
About 1%–2% of infected individuals develop nonparalytic aseptic (viral) meningitis, with temporary stiffness of the neck, back, and/or legs. Less than
1% of all polio infections result in the classic “flaccid paralysis,” where the patient is left with permanent weakness or paralysis of legs, arms, or both.

Mercury Poisoning- The Minamata Story Youtube

Minamata citizens ate fish from the bay that had both absorbed and ingested the inorganic mercury that was dumped into the bay. The fish themselves converted the inorganic mercury into a extremely deadly toxicant known as methylmercury, which can be found in small to large traces of almost every aquatic life form today. Upon ingestion the methyl mercury targeted the neurological and nervous systems of the people and animals and caused severe irreversible damage.
The Japanese scientist did do an experiment on cats in order to know the cause of Minamata.. They gave the cats shellfish and fish found in Minamata Bay and finally make a conclusion Minamata is from eating the seafoods. In 1959, Chisso Hospital did an experiment in which factory drainage of Chisso Factory was given to cats, and development of Minamata disease was confirmed (October 6, Cat no.400), but it was not officially announced.


Shocking VAERS Data Reveals 4070% INCREASE in Miscarriages — Naomi Wolf Interview


One of America’s top oncologist’s has warned that the Covid shots are causing a drastic rise in untreatable cancers.




All the doctors and people who were living at the time of the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic say it was the most terrible disease the world has ever had. Strong men, hale and hearty, one day would be dead the next. The disease had the characteristics of the black death added to typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, smallpox, paralysis and all the diseases the people had been vaccinated with immediately following World War 1. Practically the entire population had been injected "seeded" with a dozen or more diseases — or toxic serums. When all those doctor-made diseases started breaking out all at once it was tragic.

That pandemic dragged on for two years, kept alive with the addition of more poison drugs administered by the doctors who tried to suppress the symptoms. As far as I could find out, the flu hit only the vaccinated. Those who had refused the shots escaped the flu. My family had refused all the vaccinations so we remained well all the time. We knew from the health teachings of Graham, Trail, Tilden and others, that people cannot contaminate the body with poisons without causing disease.

When the flu was at its peak, all the stores were closed as well as the schools, businesses — even the hospital, as the doctors and nurses had been vaccinated too and were down with the flu. No one was on the streets. It was like a ghost town. We [who didn’t taken any vaccines] seemed to be the only family which didn’t get the flu; so my parents went from house to house doing what they could to look after the sick, as it was impossible to get a doctor then. If it were possible for germs, bacteria, virus, or bacilli to cause disease, they had plenty of opportunity to attack my parents when they were spending many hours a day in the sick rooms. But they didn’t get the flu and they didn’t bring any germs home to attack us children and cause anything. None of our family had the flu — not even a sniffle— and it was in the winter with deep snow on the ground.

It has been said that the 1918 flu epidemic killed 20,000,000 people throughout the world. But, actually, the doctors killed them with their crude and deadly treatments and drugs. This is a harsh accusation but it is nevertheless true, judging by the success of the drugless doctors in comparison with that of the medical doctors.

While the medical men and medical hospitals were losing 33% of their flu cases, the non-medical hospitals such as BATTLE CREEK, KELLOGG and MACFADDEN’S HEALTH-RESTORIUM were getting almost 100% healings with their Water Cure , baths, enemas, etc., fasting and certain other simple healing methods, followed by carefully worked out diets of natural foods. One health doctor didn’t lose a patient in eight years. The very successful health treatment of one of those drugless doctors who didn’t lose any patients will be given in the other part of this book, titled VACCINATION CONDEMNED, to be published a little later.

If the medical doctors had been as advanced as the drugless doctors, there would not have been those 20 million deaths from the medical flu treatment.

There was seven times more disease among the vaccinated soldiers than among the unvaccinated civilians, and the diseases were those they had been vaccinated against. One soldier who had returned from overseas in 1912 told me that the army hospitals were filled with cases of infantile paralysis and he wondered why grown men should have an infant disease. Now, we know that paralysis is a common after-effect of vaccine poisoning. Those at home didn’t get the paralysis until after the world-wide vaccination campaign in 1918.


Eleanor McBean lived through the Spanish Flu. The following is based on her first-hand recollection.

I heard that seven men dropped dead in a doctor’s office after being vaccinated. This was in an army camp, so I wrote to the Government for verification. They sent me the report of U.S. Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson. The report not only verified the report of the seven who dropped dead from the vaccines; but it stated that there had been 63 deaths & 28,585 cases of hepatitis as a direct result of the yellow fever vaccine during only 6-months of the war. That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given the soldiers. We can imagine the damage that all these shots did to the men. The first World War was of a short duration, so the vaccine makers were unable to use up all their vaccines. As they were (& still are) in business for profit, they decided to sell it to the rest of the population. So, they drummed up the largest vaccination campaign in U.S. history. There were no epidemics to justify it, so they used other tricks.

Their propaganda claimed the soldiers were coming home from foreign countries with all kinds of diseases & that everyone must have all the shots on the market. The people believed them because, first of all, they wanted to believe their doctors; & second, the returning soldiers certainly had been sick. They didn’t know it was from doctor-made vaccine diseases, as the army doctors don’t tell them things like that. Many of the returned soldiers were disabled for life by these drug-induced diseases.

Many were insane from post-vaccinal encephalitis, but the doctors called it shell shock; even though many had never left American soil. The conglomerate disease brought on by the many poison vaccines baffled the doctors; as they never had a vaccination spree before which used so many different vaccines. The new disease they had created had symptoms of all the diseases they had injected. There was the high fever, extreme weakness, abdominal rash & intestinal disturbance characteristic of typhoid.

The diphtheria vaccine caused lung congestion, chills/fever, swollen/sore throat, & the choking suffocation because of difficulty in breathing followed by gasping & death; after which the body turned black from stagnant blood that had been deprived of oxygen in the suffocation stages.

In those early days they called it Black Death. The other vaccines caused their own reactions—paralysis, brain damage, lockjaw, etc. When doctors tried to suppress the symptoms of the typhoid with a stronger vaccine (today's analogy/shingles vaxx is a stronger chickenpox vaxx) it caused a worse form of typhoid which they named paratyphoid. But when they concocted a stronger & more dangerous vaccine to suppress that one, they created an even worse disease which they didn’t have a name for.

What should they call it? They didn’t want to tell the people what it really was—their own Frankenstein monster, which they had created with their vaccines & suppressive medicines. They wanted to direct the blame away from themselves, so they called it Spanish Influenza.

It was certainly not of Spanish origin, & the Spanish people resented the implication that the world-wide scourge of that day should be blamed on them. But the name stuck & American medical doctors & vaccine makers were not suspected of the crime of this widespread devastation. It is only in recent years that researchers have been digging up the facts & laying the blame where it belongs. Some of the soldiers may have been in Spain before coming home, but their diseases originated in their home-based U.S. Army Camps. Our medical men still use that same dodge. When their own vaccines (required for travel) cause vaccine diseases abroad, they use this as grounds for a scare campaign to stampede people into the vaccination centers.

Do you remember the Hong Kong & Asian Flus; and the London Flu scares? These were all medically-made epidemics mixed with the usual common colds which people have every year.

Now (1976) we are being worked on again by the vaccine-epidemic makers in their effort to force another multi-million-dollar vaccine-sale caper. Their con men have already talked President Ford into handing over $135 million dollars to start their vaccine racket. Even the insurance companies refused to become involved with such an obviously dangerous & crooked scheme.
So, again the medical & drug con men induced the appropriate government officials to guarantee insurance against the, possible billions of dollars in lawsuits which could be brought against the vaccine promoters, if the vaccine campaign is carried out as planned.

It’s a good thing Ford was voted out of office. It’s too bad he wasn’t "dumped" before he paid the poison squad the MONEY to poison the whole population. However, we don’t yet know if President Carter will be any better. Will he be held in the grip of the medical dictatorship?
Or will he investigate—learn the truth—reverse the decisions & make the vaccine makers return the money taken from the taxpayers under false pretenses?

NOTE: We now know that it got much worse with every president; with Reagan signing the death warrant for millions of children (NCVIA)—to Trump’s warp-speed doing untold damage with an experimental mRNA vaccine.


The great global warming swindle

This is a story of how a theory about climate turned into a political ideology.

Many senior climate scientists say the actual scientific basis for the theory is crumbling.
There were appearance for example in earth's history when we had three times as much co2 as we have today or periods when we had 10 times as much co2 as we have today and if co2 has a large effect on climate then you should see it in the temperature reconstruction.

If we look at climate through the geological time frame we would never suspect co2 as a major climate driver none of the major climate changes in the last thousand years can be explained by co2 .

Our cabin tour to Hardangervidda is in 14 days.

2 or 3 nights in a cabin/hotel 940 m over the sea level.

Dancing, giving and much more.
One of the rules on those cabin tours is that you should give to the community something, some of your knwledge, or some of your talents or some of your experience ... So, for example, if you are good at cross country skking, you can make a cross country crash course and teach those interested. If you are good at Zouk or Bachata Dancing, you can make a crash course and teach those interested. If you are good at Massage, Meditation, Yoga, Acro Yoga, Healing, Psychology, Sports, ... imagination is your limit. We will also have one or several demonstrations of the Orders Of Love (Generational Trauma Therapy) . In case of some wind, a small crash course in Kiting, as well.

Feb 9 event:

Apr 13 event:

Adults: kr 200,- per night
Kids: kr 100,- per night.

The price coveres hotel.
We bring and cook our own food.

Yes, it is possible to come and stay just 1 or 2 nights.

Several videos from the December tour to Jønndalen

Contact me, if you are unable to see the events.
Events are private, so you must be invited to be able to see the events!

“Sopranos” Actor John Ventimiglia’s Daughter, Odele Ventimiglia, 25, Dies Suddenly

What is killing young people ?
Doctors: "We don't know, but we know it is not what you think it is !"


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