Re: Quercetin can possibly replace HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine) in combination with zinc!!!!
Yes it is quite reasonable. Some years ago lab tests suggested that quercetin and EGCG in green tea move zinc into cells like hydroxychloroquine does. Zinc inhibits an enzyme needed for viral replication.
Quercetin is in the I-Mask protocol for outpatients from the med school profs at
My mid 80s parents and I used I_Mask when we got our dance with the virus. I was very impressed with its punch. My 87 yr old father never even called his doctor. more if requested.
Btw green tea seems to be a better option than coffee when sick. Coffee contains arginine that competes with the anti-viral amino acid lysine. There was a study of it for C19 patients--reference if requested.
Don't forget that Ivermectin study data is impressive. The FLCCC is recommending it with quercetin, Vit C D, melatonin, zinc. IVM studies
FLCCC professors explain in these 5min clips
Success in Mexico and elsewhere
I Mask+ explained
There is more in the COVID group here at curezone.