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95% cured after 10 years

Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Based Ballbag Babby Views: 980
Published: 6 y

95% cured after 10 years

I've had scalp folliculitis for over 10 years. I've read this forum for years and I promised to make a post here if I found something that worked. Every doc I've had has been beyond useless, as I'm sure most of you have experienced. I noticed that I got it on the back of my scalp, which is where sweat glands are most concentrated. I also have mild hyperhydrosis, so I sweat more than usual, mostly armpits. I figured it wouldn't hurt to try my prescription antiperspirant on the back of my head. Did it once a week, and I saw results in about a week. It improved over the coming months until I was almost totally clear. I still use head and shoulders once a day too. Figured I'd share. The antiperspirant is drysol, but they recently stopped making it. Similar products are available though.


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