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Frequent urination...whats the cause?
  Views: 1,934
Published: 6 y

Frequent urination...whats the cause?

So for the past few months I have been suffering from frequent urination

Its been a really problematic issue for me as everywhere I travel, I need to find a toilet

I am only 29 years old, so I don't suppose its prostate?
In my blood test less than 6 months ago, I was negative for diabetes, so not sure what it is

Even if I drink very little water, I will still pee about 2-4 times an hour, or even about 5 times an hour on some days
At night I usually have to wake up about 2-3 times to pee, and before I got this issue, I would wake up zero or at most 1 time per night

Its also causing me to become dehydrated as I am losing so much water through frequent peeing
Say I wake up on a typical day, and not drink any water/liquids, I will still pee frequently, and with high volume

At night when I wake up, after holding a lot of urine, I feel slight ache in my lower back (kidneys, I assume)

There is no significant pain in my bladder, but I feel some slight irritation, even when not urinating

Someone please help me...this is really debilitating
is it an infection? or some bladder issues?
Any opinions or experiences are most welcome

Also if anyone recommends any supplements/remedies...
wondering if there is any anti diuretics? or whether I should first find the cause...
and if I should see an endocrinologist



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