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Random pain started after 9th Liver Flush
sjhal12 Views: 1,266
Published: 6 y

Random pain started after 9th Liver Flush

Hi everyone

I have just completed my 9th flush which i did after a while (I stopped flushing since September 2018).

Nothing came out except for sludge and very few small green stones.

Every flush since now has been fine for me, its just now I have this pain in the centre just between my lungs which only happens when I swallow something. I never had this problem before and sometimes it feels very uncomfortable, almost as if it burns as im digesting something. I have had serious diaorreah since the flush, Im guessing there are many toxins that are coming out?

I have done coffee enemas almost every day since the flush, and I still have not got rid of this pain

The only solution Im thinking is maybe getting a colonic to get rid of something that may have not been removed via the coffee enemas?

Im hoping this will just go away on its own naturally.

I have been on a vegan/raw vegan diet for quite some time now and maybe there are no stones left?
I still have skin issues but not as severe, but they still persist which made me want to start up the flushing again.

Im just confused about this. I was even thinking another flush may be required due to blocked stones maybe causing the issue, but i dont want this to get worse either. Im kind of stuck and need help from experienced flushers.

I have never had this problem before. My digestion and overall health has been really good since eating mainly raw vegan and Im suddenly in pain after this flush, so I am very disheartened by this.

If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it. Thank you


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