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Confusing pregnancy test!!!
mlg115 Views: 912
Published: 7 y

Confusing pregnancy test!!!

Hey everyone,
So I'm absolutely terrified I'm pregnant..
I took 2 tests and the lines are super faint. I'm maybe 5-7 days late.

Here's the image of the tests: //

Am I pregnant??

I'm 30 but I've been dealing with a horrible case of candida that I cant seem to control no matter what I try. Its been going on for the past 4-5 years. I honestly thought I'd be infertile cuz the brain fog, IBS, fatigue, weird periods, hair loss etc. are literally killing me. My body is so messed up and I feel so sick on a daily basis that some days I want to die.

We had a broken condom incident. I've been taking a bunch of candida herbs that I highly doubt would be safe for pregnancy including nystatin and fluconazole in high doses. Also on LDN to help with brain fog and Wellbutrin because this illness has made me horribly depressed.

I'm not interested in anyone saying candida doesn't exist. I don't believe in a lot of the candida BS on the internet but was diagnosed by a very respected board certified allergist who said I'm allergic to it which is why I'm having so much trouble with something that is naturally always present..

Anyways.. sorry for the long post. if I'm pregnant I don't know what to do as all this stuff is probably very harmful to a baby. This was not planned :( I also have tons of vitamin deficiencies I'm trying to correct.


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