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Bad Reaction to Raw Garlic! HELP!
  Views: 1,830
Published: 7 y

Bad Reaction to Raw Garlic! HELP!

So, I've been fighting parasites for the past few months after ingesting sushi at my local Japanese restaurant. I've become severely fatigued ALL the time and I have horrible indigestion, headaches, brain fog, trouble concentrating, shaking, rapid heartbeat, pain in my stomach, head and other organs, etc. I have taken Parafree from Youngliving which did help a little and I did end up seeing what I believe were Roundworms in my stool while on it, but I don't think I expelled the majority of the parasites in me since I still feel them writhing around sometimes. Now I've just begun Dr. Clark's parasite cleanse which I hope will work. My problem is that two times I tried to ingest raw garlic I've had very severe symptoms. I'm not sure if they are from die-off or what. I prepared the garlic by slicing it into pieces and eating it with honey 15 minutes after its cut. After about an hour- two hours after ingesting the garlic I become shaky and my heart begins to beat very quickly. My stomach clenches, I get a headache, I can't stop shaking no matter how many layers I lay under and I can't think clearly. Does anyone know why this happens? This reaction has scared me off of raw garlic because it scares me that my heart beats so quickly, although I do think this has killed roundworms before. I know raw garlic is powerful but I HATE these symptoms. The first time I took raw garlic I took 2 cloves and the second time I took only one and had the same reaction both times. Is this just intense Die-Off?


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