Feeling exhausted, fever, flu like symptoms. Side effect of liver flush / chelation?
I've been experiencing some symptoms for the last 5 days which I am trying to understand. I will describe my health protocols here briefly and then what's happening in the last 5 days. It looks too complex to me too find one certain explanation for what's happening but I would be thankful for any thoughts.
About 20 days ago, I began to eat 2 teaspoons daily of the 'chelation pesto', made from cilantro, for a heavy metal detox. I haven't got myself tested for heavy metals but my trigeminal nerve is weak and I wonder if heavy metals are involved. I did not feel any effects.
8 days ago, the last weekend, I did
Liver Flush # 22. I took ACV from day 1 to 6, took two saline
water enemas on day 6, had the diarrhea and expelled about 250 stones, some quite large, on Sunday, day 7. Usually on day 8, Monday, I would do two more saline
water enemas to clear out my colon, but because of work pressure this got delayed to Thursday morning.
On Wednesday, I began feeling a lot of muscle ache all over my body, and fatigue, and some sinus congestion. On Thursday I took the two salt water enemas. On Thursday and Friday I still felt the same, but less intense and could go to work easily.
Because the muscle ache and fatigue was still bothering me, although I was able to work, on Saturday, I took two
coffee enemas and a salt water enema. I felt much better immediately and had quite a comfortable Saturday, without the muscle ache and fatigue, although the sinus congestion was a bit worse.
From Sunday afternoon (it's Monday afternoon here) I'm feeling completely exhausted and my sinus congestion is worse, and I have 100.5 F fever which sometimes reduces but increases again. I didn't have fever before y'day. I took some OTC nasal drops so that I am able to breath while I sleep and my sleep is not interrupted. I had to take a day off work today because I am just too exhausted.
I'm lying in bed, drinking lots of orange juice, and trying to make sure my bowels are moving, by taking triphala and activated charcoal. I haven't had a BM today, so far. I don't have much appetite and have eaten just a little bit in the last 24 hours, which could be a reason for that.
I've also had a mild pain around the heart since this began, on Wednesday. I often get this pain when I am exhausted and the cardiologists have found nothing despite quite a few EKGs and one echocardiagram.
I haven't had the chelation pesto since Thursday or so, when this began. I now remember that around the time I began eating the pesto at the beginning of the month, I started waking up every night around 2 AM and found it hard to go back to sleep.
So, I suppose these symptoms can be explained by
- just a flu
- or the result of toxins being reabsorbed after the flush because I missed the last step
- or a side effect of chelation
What could be the reason?
In any of these cases, I wonder why the symptoms should get worse on days 5 and 6 rather than settling down by then?
And what can I do other than just resting and OJ and ensuring bowel movements? I don't have the energy to take enemas.