SINCE 2012, Speciesism: The Movie director Mark Devries has been secretly using spy drones to investigate and expose the environmental devastation caused by factory farms. In this investigation, the drones capture shocking aerial video footage of several massive facilities that supply pigs for Smithfield Foods.
Worldwide Reaction to the First-Ever Factory Farm Drone Investigation
Within a few weeks of its release, this investigation by Speciesism: The Movie director Mark Devries had been viewed by millions worldwide, and received major global press coverage. The video continues to be viewed around the world from this website, from the Speciesism: The Movie website, and elsewhere.
Behind the Factory Farm Drone Investigation Videos
Filmmaker Mark Devries of Speciesism: The Movie began developing the plan to use drones on farms in 2012, when a Georgetown Law student suggested the idea at a sneak-preview screening of Speciesism: The Movie. Countless technical problems and cost overruns delayed the project nearly three years, with the series finally being released starting with this video’s publication in late-2014.
The Future of Drones on Farms
Mark Devries will continue investigating factory farms with the use of drones, and will continue releasing videos with the findings of his investigations. Please stay informed through the mailing list at Speciesism: The Movie, the official Facebook page of Speciesism: The Movie, and the official Twitter feed of Speciesism: The Movie.
The Citizen Drone Project
While Spy Drones Expose Smithfield Foods Factory Farms was the first investigation to employ drones on farms, Speciesism: The Movie director Mark Devries has expanded the project into a larger operation, The Citizen Drone Project.
Find out more about the existing and upcoming work of Speciesism: The Movie director Mark Devries.