8 y
New to fasting. Need advice
New to fasting. I have watched a lot of videos. Dr. Jason Jung, Butter Bob who fasts 24 hours ever other day, and many others.
I want to stress that I am not in a hurry This is to get rid of Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and High Cholestrol. (The trinity.) Yes I want to eventually get rid of anywhere from 30-50 pounds.
I had this almost completed in 2013. A1c 6.1, hbp meds cut in half, and weighed close to what I weighed in college. I am 55 years old and female. I was put on a drug that raised my A1c and blood sugar levels. I was put on Metformin. They upped it. Then put me on a Diabetes medication that controlled the BS, but caused rapid weight gain.
I want off this rollercoaster. I know I can do this. I did it before.
I am both meds now.
I read and watched that is is a good idea for a beginner to do a shorter fast. Yes I would love to do a long fast, but decided not too. You should have help.
My plan was a 24 hour fast and then a very low glycemic meal then again. It is working great, but I need advice about meds.
I know in long fasts they take you off of all meds except those you really need.
I take one of the two Metformin capsules, Lisinopril, Avorstatin, D3, C, cinnamon, tumeric, and Chromium GTF at the meal.
I take a natural supplement for Diabetes and Estretone for menopause in the morning.
Should I reduce or eliminate these meds?
This is my 7th day. I would like to do at least two weeks. I am thinking about increasing the time for better results, but they are great now.
Also a friend of mine who fasts said to get over the first day to 4 days you can ingest some coconut oil to combat the extreme hunger. Is this true?