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Bubbles/foamy urine, no proteinuria, caused by Candida?
dpk8325 Views: 4,616
Published: 8 y

Bubbles/foamy urine, no proteinuria, caused by Candida?

Hello all. Thank you in advance for your help. For the past month or so I've noticed a lot of bubbles, sometimes foam when I urinate (I'm a 35 year old male). A couple weeks ago I went to an urgent care clinic and had a protein dipstick test done on my urine and it did not detect protein. My urine also did not show signs of bacterial infection.

I've had a myriad of symptoms going on in my prostate - fleeting pains, bladder pain that comes and goes along with urgency (seems like interstitial cystitis), bowel issues - loose and messy stools, gas and bloating, brain fug and lack of energy, hungover after 2-3 alcoholic drinks (since stopped drinking as I'm working on a treatment plan), etc. Last week I went to a Urologist who also tested my urine for protein but said it was normal. He prescribed me Doxycycline for Prostatitis which I haven't taken yet. He also confirmed no bacterial infection was detected. He said most of the time bubbles in urine are from your diet and that he wasn't concerned, but "to put my mind at ease" ran a kidney panel... I got a call a couple days ago that my levels "were perfect."

I haven't taken the Antibiotics yet because through my research I've started wondering if I may have systemic Candida and/or SIBO. I have long suffered from bowel issues, thyroid issues, low testosterone, low bone density, etc. Over the course of my lifetime, although not recently, I've been on major doses of Antibiotics ... so I worry that if I happen to have Candida or something like that, the Antibiotics could create more of a problem.

One thing to mention is that I did a home activated charcoal test to see if it might be a fistula causing pneumaturia and that was negative.

I have recently starting really working on my diet, along the lines of a anti-Candida / SIBO diet - Paleo trying to avoid fruits as well... and taking recommended Candidate supplements / herbals...

My urine seems to be getting even more bubbly / foamy. My question to you all is whether or not it is safe to say at this point that the bubbles are from yeast / Candida, possibly die off??

Since a Urologist is telling me my kidney panel looks great and no protein is detected in my urine, is it likely the bubbles are from this type of issue and I'm along the right treatment path?

I tend to worry a lot, so I keep wondering if I need to go to a Nephrologist for another opinion, have gallbladder tests done (don't have pain in that area and my stool is absolutely improving with my Candida treatments), or something else.

At this point, I feel like I am starting to feel better and my bowel issues (gas, bloating, loose and messy stools are improving considerably), but the bubbles in my urine and my bladder pains coming and going and urgency still have me quite concerned.

Hoping you all can help me better understand what is causing these bubbles and bladder pains. Thank you very much!



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