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Paleo Diet
White Shark Views: 5,790
Published: 8 y
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Paleo Diet

How many times in your life have you taken Antibiotics (7-10 days cycle) ?

Ask your mother if you don't know !?

Antibiotics are a common causative factor to being overweight, obesity and also EC.

Antibiotics are also added to animal feed to quickly increase the body weight of farm raised pigs, chicken, cows, salmon, ducks, etc ....

If you want to create overweight and obese animals (meat tastes better if it is fatty, so it is consumers choice), just give antibiotics to animals, give them access to unlimited amount of food, and keep them enclosed so they have no chance to move and burn that fat too fast.

If you want to create sick, overweight and obese people .... well, just do exactly the same.

The diet you are following now is very similar to Paleo Diet. No grains, low carbs, no milk products.

If you are able to stay strict on it, you will become slim and lean within 12 months.

To decrease your appetite, do as many abs per day as you can.

The more abs you do, the smaller your stomach will become.
The smaller stomach ... the less you will eat.
The less you eat ... the faster you lose your weight ...
The faster you lose your weight ... the more motivated you become to follow the diet and exercise ....

The more motivated you become to follow the diet and exercise ... the healthier you will become !



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