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how i cured my gerd-acid reflux. and candida

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shujalraj Views: 3,546
Published: 9 y

how i cured my gerd-acid reflux. and candida

Hello everyone,
I am writing this post because i found very few post regarding GERD,GASTRITIS ,ACID REFLUX and candida cure. Guys this is large story i will try to make it simple.

** I advise you not to take this post a **
** treatment option its my experience everyone's probelm is different it is just for education purpose only****

I suffered from ACID Reflux for more than one year
causes are lots of alcohol and stress. I started pain in my lower back then sensation in my stomach then pain in the middle of heart(Heart Burn).
Before this disease i don't even know what is acid reflux or what is esophegus and also not aware of stomach acid.

i went to a doctor he prescribed one Antibiotic and Omeprozole which did not work for me because the root cause is something else.
Changed my doctor again prescribed the same thing PPI(Proton Pump Inhabitor). I can control my symptom using PPI but it dit the reverse after using it for 3 month. My stomach stoped production of its natural acid and whatever i eat it ferment in my stomach.
Then i Taken my health into my own hand and started searching about the disease and its causes in the Internet.
I done lots of reserach using various sites like medical university,webmd,functional medicine and other research papper.

I Tried everything from diet (SCD) ,home remady to ayurvedic medicine and also allopathic drug .Also used many health suppliment like Betaine HCL,ACV which help for some time only.

I feel vary erritated and lost 12 kg weight my cloths are not fitting to me.It's a terrible time for me when no one help you and i am also not expecting anyone else to help. Becase things created by me and only i have to solve them .

I am not able to eat anything even water also create problem me due to pan-gastritis so I went to a Homeopathic doctor he given me 3 drugs for 15 days which cured my gastritis.

*******For me Homepathic medicine works to cure **********my gastritis and heatburn*********

But my digestion still not normal the root cause is still needs to be cure which is excess candida problem in my system.

My candida problem also have a large story but i will make it small and sorry for my english.

I used everything for candida also like - anti candida diet, herbs, suppement,also used antifungal drugs but nothing helps.
Only antifungal drugs control your candida symptomps upto an extent.
Candida is part of our immune sysmtem and need not to be eradicated its overgrow when our blood full with excess of Sugar . And the excess of Sugar goes to our blood in the form of glucose.
Question arise here why Sugar creating problem .
actually insulin is a harmone which takes the glucose to the body cell and there is a problem with our system either it does not producing insulin or something interfacing inuslin work.
And point to be noted sugar , i am talking about natural sugar not refined is glucose for our body in which our body run. so it's needs not to be eradicated.
So for me the probelem is fat excess fat in our diet is the culprit and not allowing insulin to carry glucose to the body tissue. and if glucose stays in our system it is critical problem for our body organs so candida acts as a life saving mechanism and eats up excess sugar. Candida life cycle is for only 12 to 24 hrs is's need not to be eradicated.

****So for me excess fat in the diet is the culprit for candida issue***********
****work on a priciple 80/10/20 diet google it you will find******
****And also I used multivitamin******

some good article and websits i found -

4).The 80/10/10 Diet: Douglas N graham
6).Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

It is my reseach,study and hard work on these topic becaue of it i can eat anything and don't have serious candida issue like itcy ear and toenail fungus and oral thrus. I have may more to share about my feeling but most of the people are not intrested they just want the conclusion. So i highligted the conclusion with asterisk(*).

Thnk U guys take care .


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