I did a response from someone. Schizo and they are males attached to the female at different locations all sizes. That was the comment.
There was a link of them and what they look like. I may have to bring out my microscope to verify the mouth parts. Really not looking forward to that. But, I do have the periodic biting throughout my limbs so, it is possible. I was hoping.. ? bizarre comment. that it was strongyloid babies in the blood. which are both bad I guess. Either way I think the protocols are different for treatments. But, if I time the treatments right for strongyloids they will eventually be back in the intestines to mate and then I can poison them there. If it is Schizo they are blood flukes and that means a blood treatment protocol. Which I have to research everything I have and then ask a few people for confirmation on my next poison routine.
Why can't this be easy. I like easy. I am up for easy... I hate Prazi.