Fasting, restorative and inversions yoga, body massage
Dear All,
I stopped yoga in 2013 after 8 years of practice. As I experienced intense discomfort after every yoga session. In July 2015 I learned about exercise intolerance (EI) and post exertion malaise (PEM) or discomfort after physical activity. Now I built certain degree of physical strength through nutrition and see good progress through fasting, I am planning to start my yoga again.
I read posts from healthy individuals practicing yoga during water only fasting. I am looking for chronic condition individual practicing yoga during fasting.
I am planning inversions and restorative yoga. Slowly move on to physically intense postures.
At the same time, any thoughts on body massage?
I believe good nutrition helps to build health, detox body faster. Stimulating exercise or massage may activate the parts of the body otherwise not activated with daily activity.
Under the above context, I have the following questions, please see if you can share your 2 cents:
- What kind of exercise if you have done, helped you to progress better during fasting?
- How body massage will help to heal better?
- Even simple, fasters do not need all these, just fasting will do the job as it activates / simulates all parts of our body?
Please remember, fibromyalgia / chronic fatigue syndrome (FMS / CFS) individual needs are totally different. If anyone with experience of handling the same, please be specific. If not, please share your experience in general, I will take what I need and apply as per my need.
I appreciate your help.
Have fun,
For more info on FMS / CFS and