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Iodine for IC
paraboy Views: 4,038
Published: 10 y

Iodine for IC

Saw this post in another forum and thought it might be helpful.



Natural remedies cured ic MUST READ about iodine deficiency in U.S.

Precaution: Be sure to talk with your physician before adding an iodine supplement; too much can cause serious problems. -ICNDonna

I am a pharmacist with "the worst case of IC (the surgeon) has ever seen". Severe ulcers. Sudden onset during pregnancy and then nonstop severe symptoms x 4years with Western medicine treatment- Elmiron, heparin/lidocaine installations, bladder flushes under anesthesia. No real effect until I stopped all these medications and tried a natural approach. One theory is that IC occurs because of toxins in your body. I used bentonite clay internally and in bath for a month. I had all of my amalgams removed. I started taking iodine 12mg daily for 3 months, followed by 3.25mg daily until I die, I expect. I also supplemented with Boron- I suggest for suggestions on how to do that. I also have not had wheat in 6 months except as a special occasion like a wedding (cake).

My IC is completely gone. I can even ride a bike on a bumpy trail for hours! I just realized the other day- I was getting up 8 times nightly and now I don't even think about it anymore. I beleive that my IC was caused by the bromine in "enriched" flour. Iodine replaces the bromine. I also believe that the vast majority of Americans are iodine deficient and need 10-100 times more than the RDA. The argument that excess Iodine causes hyperthyroidism is not correct in my (and others) opinion. Japanese consume about 85mg daily. Americans consume less than 1 mg daily. Also, my breath is better, I have more energy but not excess, and my rope-like breast tissue (caused by bromine toxicity) is getting softer.
I suggest everyone research Iodine (make sure an American practicing M.D. authored the writing, to be conservatve).
My mom started taking the iodine, too, and her arthritis is better as well as her type II Diabetes."




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