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the Banerji Protocols
mu-shen Views: 2,552
Published: 11 y

the Banerji Protocols

Thanks to Joette Calabrese, found this great website:

Homeopathy and Banerji Protocols

In our practice we do not follow classical homeopathy by our more than 55 years of practice. We have developed protocols of treatment for almost all the diseases like conventional method specific medicines with fixed dilution for each disease. This p protocol is now internationally known as "The Banerji Protocols". This treatment is very effective and easy to learn by the medical students. I have developed this protocol by examining thousands of cases for the last more than 55 years of my practice and seeing more than 350 to 400 cases daily free. In our clinic in Kolkata daily attendance of more than 1000 cases. By this process large numbers of patients can be seen in a shorter time thus it becomes the people’s medicines.

This treatment has attracted the eyes of the doctors and medical scientists of many countries. We have been invited by many countries such as Spain, Portugal, Japan, Canada, Buffalo-New York, Italy, Holland, Germany, USA etc.

All the classical homeopathy community has accepted our protocol as a very effective mode of treatment and they have started to using our protocols with great success.

The National Cancer Institute of USA, invited us to see the effectiveness of our treatment and after stringent scrutiny they have accepted our treatment as a very effective one and certified the cures.

Our protocol for Brain cancer & Breast Cancer has been experimented by the scientist of the MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Houston, USA and found in vitro experiment that these medicines selectively kills cancer cells but not the normal cells. Joint paper s by us and scientist, professor of cell biology and genetics has been published in International Journal of Oncology. Our work with National Cancer Institute, USA has been published in journal of Oncology Reports.

Now our treatment is used by patients are almost 80 countries in the world with great success.

Under invitation from Spain, Portugal, Royal Academy of Japan, USA, Roswell park cancer centre at Buffalo, New York, Italy, Netherlands, Germany we have done workshops and teaching seminars and we received standing ovations in all the places.

A survey in June 2004 by Dr. Sushil Vats in Delhi revealed an alarmingly grim picture of the classical homeopathic practice. Out of the total of 3500 homeopaths in the city area, only 50% are into active practice and of these 50% have another source of income and of the remaining, only 10% have income worthy to survive in metros like Delhi.

To know more about the PBHRF and the Banerji Protocols, visit

Copyright © 2013 Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation


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