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non diabetic hypoglycemia verry ill
snowqueen2012 Views: 4,128
Published: 11 y

non diabetic hypoglycemia verry ill

For years now myself and my daughter have been having a very fast heart rate, sometimes a hour or two after food sometimes in the morning on waking this has made us feel really ill. We have been to the hospital many times and had our hearts checked by a cardiologist.

My daughter was diagnosed with a low thyroid a year ago and was put on a low dose 25mg of levothyroxine. I was just given propanonol to slow my heart down. My daughter’s high heart rate continued.

We thought we was never going to find the problem but I brought blood Sugar meters a couple of weeks ago and tested my daughter when she felt ill and when she felt ok, when she felt fine her readings were normal but when she felt ill her readings were very low, one morning here heart was racing so I took her blood Sugar and it displayed LO (under 1.1) I gave her fruit juice and within 15 mins it was back to normal. The same evening she had chest pains so we took her blood Sugar again and it was 1.2 I gave her fruit juice again and it when up to normal. The next morning it was low again LO (under 1.1)

My blood sugar readings seem fine when I have taken them but im on propanonol so my heart rate does not go up high to give me warnings.

We have noticed over the years that fizzy drinks pasta and pizza and cakes made us feel ill a hour or two after eating them, but this does not explain the problem in the mornings when nothing has been eaten. Also sometimes when my daughter has a shower she gets a fast heat rate. She is very small and cannot lose any weight so the thought of cutting out carbs is a worry.

Also both our visions have declined over the last couple of years and we feel tired all the time.
If anyone has any idea on what is causing this or how to treat it please reply we are so worried.


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