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Re: Feeling down about body odor.
Ruthie916 Views: 2,896
Published: 14 y
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Re: Feeling down about body odor.

Hey Jax! Thank you for responding to my message and for offering your help. When it comes to my diet I have cut out red meat, pork,sugar and processed foods. I have basically been following a vegan diet. I find some fruits like apples tend to make me smell worse. I have also noticed veggies like red and green peppers give me a burnt rubber smell. The only supplements I've tried are magnesium,probiotics and zinc. None have seemed to help! Something also strange is that people seem to be allergic to me! This has just started to happen over the last year or maybe I'm just noticing it? I can't wear perfume or use strong laundry detergent or people will sniffle, cough, watery/dry eyes and even headaches. I don't usually smell myself unless I've been working out and built up sweat. I haven't a clue as to what's going on but I know something is off. Thank you so much for trying to help me with this issue. I'm sure good karma is coming your way!


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