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Re: Feeling down about body odor.
PursuitOfPeace Views: 3,051
Published: 14 y
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Re: Feeling down about body odor.

Yes, Jax is right. You must first break down the components of the whole situation. What triggers the long it lasts...what makes it what times of the day/night is the smell worse or better (I.E. how is it right upon waking up in the morning?)...... Do you notice a difference in the smell when your stomach is empty or when it is full....and do you happen to know where exactly the smell is being emitted from (skin, breath/mouth/nose, etc..)

Have you ever been tested for TMAU? There are definitely MANY things to at least TRY. For instance, the supplements; Chlorophyll, Zinc, Probiotics, Charcoal....

Do you notice if eggs make the smell worse? If so...that makes sense because eggs contain a huge amount of sulfur. and sulfur is typically linked with Body Odor . That goes for any sulfuric food.


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