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Feeling down about body odor.
Ruthie916 Views: 3,797
Published: 14 y

Feeling down about body odor.

I've been suffering from fecel body odor for almost 2 years now. I've changed deodorants, body washes, laundry soaps etc. and nothing has helped. I've also tried changing my diet and exercising more. I've gone to doctors and like most other people on this board they say the can't smell me. Though I know I do smell because people have talked about it behind my back. They thought I couldn't hear them. I'm getting very frustrated and it's taking it's toll on me. I'm starting to feel hopeless and at times suicidal. This all just really sucks because I'm really clean and shower sometimes 4xs a day! If anyone has any advice please let me know! Thank you and God Bless!


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