Pancreatic cancer.
What are the Causes of Pancreatic Cancer?
Science simply does not know the causes of pancreatic cancer. They may know the physiology down to the molecule but the answers will forever evade them.
They will find no answer until they realize the unspoken assumption: that all physical illness must have physical causes is false and dangerous.
Pancreatic cancer life expectancy is very dismal at around two percent survival rate. But take heart, my own father survived a bout with this most dreaded of all diseases.
Symptoms of pancreatic cancer:
♦ Loss of appetite and weight.
♦ Jaundice or yellow skin and eye whites.
♦ Pain in the upper abdomen that moves towards your back.
♦ Depression.
If you have any of these symptoms of pancreatic cancer you should see your doctor immediately.
The causes of pancreatic cancer are a conflict of disgrace and ignobility. You may feel reproached for your needs. About sixty percent involve a family dispute over an inheritance. Less common is a conflict over your father that has borne children that do not bear his name.