Improvment of Dissecting Cellulitis with Dapsone.
I thought that i would like to share some pictures with you where you can see my improvements on my scalp with Dapsone.
I use dapsone 100mg daily combined with antibiotics.
Here is the picture taken in april:

Here is the pictures taken today 05.07.09:

It have cleared up alot, still i have a lot of redness, but it is not sore anymore
and do not hurts. It is a little bit itchy but that's all.
I will continue with the Dapsone and antibiotics for a while.
If you can see the hairles spot on top of my head this is a "testspot"
done with laser hair removal to check if is better where i removed my hair.
And it is, so soon i will proceed with removing all my hair with laser assisted hair removal.
Even if the dapsone clear it all up, i will be better off if it never comes back because of
the insane pain. It is the most painful thing i ever have experienced so if the hair removal
is a way, that would be a good insurance for me.
Hope you all have some improvement it your conditions.