How does Curezone pay the bills? Who pays the bills?
Like everyone, the wait time for a post to be published - it's been difficult. Its been off_the_charts recently, at times spending an hour or more waiting for a post to be published here.
Not sure about the rest of you, but recently I have had an easier time in posting. But, if I were to edit, then try to update the post, then that would be the thing that would be most time-consuming.
But then suddenly - today - the problem appears to have been cleared up & solved. Only time will tell if that will last.
I am not sure, but I believe the way Curezone owner(s) make their income is by the way of the number of hits that is received on any of the advertising links.
_________Late edit______________
This post took about 1 minute of waiting to see it finally get posted.
I will see how long it takes for this edit to be updated.
_________Late, Late edit______________
The time it took to update the edit, only took 1 sec.
I hear what you are saying.
From my view, it appears to me that just like a computer can get clogged up with nefarious garbage & needs periodic cleaning. I think its the same with websites. The website needs to be periodically cleaned of garbage that constantly comes in - be it malware, virus or cyber attacks, hackers, etc.
And I think the so-called "owners" really don't pay an 'IT guy' to keep it running smoothly. In the recent past, I did post a message to Webmaster about 15 days ago with the following post:
Dear Webmaster or whoever
As of late, the time needed to post a simple message takes sometimes several hours. And, often times I will just give it up - too much of a hassle. I see that the other curezone members on other forums are also experiencing the same - losing interest in posting information.
Something needs to be done about keeping this site up & running. Unless, of course, the people who own this website don't really care that much about keeping it functional.
At any rate, soon there won't be anybody left to click on any of the advertiser links.
When its gone, its gone.
As a side note, there could somebody playing the role as Webmaster that may be trying to clean things up, atm. Hopefully, this is the case.
Stay well...
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