"The drugs seized through this coordinated effort will result in significantly fewer drug-related overdoses..."
By Cristina Laila
Published August 21, 2022 at 8:34pm
Pennsylvania Democrat John Fetterman wants to “legalize heroin” and fund “safe injections sites.”
A recent video of Fetterman saying he wants to release “one-third” of the prison population also just surfaced.
What could possibly go wrong?
John Fetterman, Pennsylvania’s current Lt. Governor who is now the Democrat nominee for US Senate, is one of the most radical Democrat in the senate race.
Fetterman is running against Republican nominee Dr. Mehmet Oz in the 2022 US Senate race in Pennsylvania.
“I think it’s important that we as a society have all the options on the table, including needle exchange…” Fetterman said.
Last week Fetterman showed up to his campaign event in Erie, Pennsylvania in his signature hoodie and jeans looking like an over aged Antifa thug.
He could barely speak after having a stroke in May.
Fetterman struggled to recall words as he spoke to rally goers this weekend.
John Fetterman is not okay. pic.twitter.com/3xiQwiBaT3
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) August 15, 2022
Hello all, Does anyone know about this addiction center in Toronto named freedom from addiction? My brother is struggling with substance addiction. So we have decided to take him there. But before taking up the program, I would like to know about their treatment methods. Has anyone had any experience with them? Kindly share your reviews. Thank you.
I was never offered help once and in fact I was sluffed off or offered psych care. After 3 years of arguing and my threatening civil suit I finally have a great Dr..She gave me a round of Anti Biotics and it worked briefly and now I think its time for IVORMECTIN.
My body has so many f'ing scars on it now and it makes for a VERY DEPRESSING situation. Has anyone else endured this shit??? I at the end of my rope
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