At 8 mins 10 seconds in the report states that is costs several hundred thousand pounds just to keep one person in one of these private hospitals per year, it is big bucks and big business at the expense of the poor person with autism. It is an institution. Kids as young as eleven are being sent there and taken away from their parents. It is social services that is letting them down. Why is social services letting them down because as it states in the report that if a social worker can get the person with autism sent to one of these units they don't have to pay, the NHS foots the massive bill. That is your caring social services for you. They are locking people away who could be cared for in the community with specially trained carers which would be a lot cheaper but it is coming down to who pays for the bill. This is so wrong, murderers behind bars in prison are treated better. For many it is a padded cell with a chair and a bed day in day out year in year out and they wonder why the person with autism gets so upset. Yes people with autism can have meltdowns but specially trained carers put in place can deal with it and often prevent it.
Now we have American firms buying up these units because there is so much big money involved and yet the government said half would be closed down soon, another lie. God help them all and take pity on them for this is a national disgrace hidden away from the population and people are suffering, being stripped and injected to act like zombies when they don't have a mental problem, they have autism.
Autism is not a mental health condition. Putting people with autism into a situation which will only cause extreme stress and meltdowns is disgusting. People are being failed. May God work a miracle and get those places closed down and free the people who should not be there in the first place.
I have recently escaped from severe insanity (undiagnosed mental illness with psychosis) and I am writing about my experiences in a bit of a how-to manual format at and would love to include people's experiences, wisdom, and insights in my writing if you are willing to share. Criticism welcome too - I am trying very hard not to write anything 'wrong'. Thanks!
3-year-old prescribed six psychotropic drugs in CPS' care
Here's 4-year-old Rachel Harrison before Child Protective Services took her away from her parents.
Once CPS takes over, you can see the drastic changes for yourself.
"And as a parent it's very hard to deal with because your baby's in trouble and you can't do anything to help," said Rachel's mother Christina Harrison.
Watch as the bubbly little girl starts looking more like some neglected waif while under CPS's care.
"She was never abused or neglected in any way except by CPS," said Debbie Flores, Rachel's grandmother.
In numerous court hearings CPS caseworkers would admit they had no reason to think Rachel's parents ever neglected or abused her.
The only reason CPS took custody was the young parent's recreational drug use.
Something they admitted to and lived to regret.
But ironically Rachel would be the one hooked on drugs while under CPS's watch including Risperdal, a drug used to treat Schizophrenia and Bi-Polar disorder and according to the FDA, should not be given to a child under 10.
"3-years-old, given psychotropic drugs, there's no reason for it none at all," said David Harrison, Rachel's father.
It was 2007 when CPS first entered the family's life.
The state agency took Rachel into protective custody soon after her birth because her mom tested positive for marijuana.
This 2007 home video shows a horrific case of diaper rash Rachel had while in foster care. The baby's awful condition is pointed out to 2 CPS caseworkers but neither decides to seek immediate medical attention.
Even after a judge ordered the foster mom to get Rachel to a doctor A.S.A.P., CPS failed to make sure that happened. Later CPS admitted to making big mistakes.
Fast forward to July 2010.
"I went to the hospital to get my appendix out and tested positive for cocaine," Rachel's mother said.
That was enough for CPS to take Rachel again and spend over a year trying to terminate David and Christina's parental rights.
CPS wouldn't allow the family to see Rachel for two months. What they say they saw was a drooling, lethargic emaciated looking little girl who wanted to play a very strange game.
"She was also writing prescriptions, Rachel which is not normal," her mother said. "They might play doctor but she was writing prescriptions on paper, here take your medicine."
The family spent months asking CPS if Rachel was on drugs.
"We kept asking but they kept denying," Christina Harrison said.
"You could just tell there was a physical change between when she was with us and the time they had her at that point." David Harrison said.
CPS's own policy dictates parents must be told within 24 hours about their child needing or receiving medical treatment.
But these parents didn't know for 6 months until it finally came out in a court hearing.
You're powerless against these people, they hold all the cards and do whatever they want," said Rachel's father.
After the judge started questioning CPS about the little girl's declining condition, CPS gave up trying to terminate the couple's parental right's and gave them their daughter back.
According to court testimony Dr. Owen Osagie is the psychiatrist who prescribed psychotropic drugs to a then 3-year-old.
"He testified he had seen Rachel for approximately 15 minutes," Flores said.
According to the Texas Medical Board, Dr. Osagie prescribed Clonidine to Rachel in excess of the dosing guidelines, while simultaneously increasing her dose of Risperdal, then failed to properly monitor the little girl.
"There's paperwork saying she was screaming for mommy and daddy," Rachel's mother said.
"And the easiest way to handle her acting up was to medicate her," said Rachel's father.
Osagie ignored our attempts to contact him for a response.
According to an agreed order with the medical board Osagie must complete at least 24 hours of continuing medical education and pay a 5 thousand dollar administrative fee.
"I know a lot of other families and a lot of other parents who are going through the same thing," said Rachel's grandmother.
Late last year the United States Government Accountability Office reported these disturbing findings:
"Texas is one of 5 states where children in foster care were prescribed psychotropic drugs 2.7 to 4.5 times more often than children who were not in foster care, with children in Texas foster care being the most likely to receive psychotropic drugs."
CPS wouldn't discuss the Rachael Harrison case with us. According to the Texas Department of Health and Human Services, Dr. Osagie has treated 755 children in CPS foster care and continues to do so.
CureZone Newsletter Issue 211
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Rock Bottom to Top Of The World
This is a short story of what I went through battling some kind of heavy
mental disorder and how I cured myself completely. I hope this will
empower somebody in that rock bottom state in life and reveal to you that
you can feel better than you have ever felt, no matter how miserable you
are feeling now. I’m not making any of this up; I genuinely care for you
and want to see y ...
[This message is long. Retrieve the whole message]
Advice for Strong Relationships from Jordan Peterson
Jordan B Peterson (born June 12, 1962) is a Canadian clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. In this clip he talks about steps to form strong relationships.
Jordan Peterson talks in this video about cowering men (wimps), men at the top of the dominance hierarchy (alpha males), and some of the actions of admirable males.
This video comes from professor Peterson's: "2017 Maps of Meaning 10: G... and the B..."