Delinquent and Professional Scammer Manuel Lorenzo Tarazona Ayin, continue to hurting people. He is a False Psychiatrist who is practicing illegally the psychiatry during many years until now.
He created a lot of pages to scam people and instead to 'cure' them, he hurt them because, he is a FALSE PSYCHIATRY. Right now, he is desesperated cause don't have 'patients' to hurt them and get their money.
This delinquent have posted to threads in his page on facebook 'threatening' a 'patient' according to him, incredible. do you believe that a medician can threate a patient. That's not credible and logic.
You can inform of this delinquent from ilegalesinternamientosperu.blogspot.pe2016/03/falso-psiquiatra-manuel-tarazona-ayin.htm
At 8 mins 10 seconds in the report states that is costs several hundred thousand pounds just to keep one person in one of these private hospitals per year, it is big bucks and big business at the expense of the poor person with autism. It is an institution. Kids as young as eleven are being sent there and taken away from their parents. It is social services that is letting them down. Why is social services letting them down because as it states in the report that if a social worker can get the person with autism sent to one of these units they don't have to pay, the NHS foots the massive bill. That is your caring social services for you. They are locking people away who could be cared for in the community with specially trained carers which would be a lot cheaper but it is coming down to who pays for the bill. This is so wrong, murderers behind bars in prison are treated better. For many it is a padded cell with a chair and a bed day in day out year in year out and they wonder why the person with autism gets so upset. Yes people with autism can have meltdowns but specially trained carers put in place can deal with it and often prevent it.
Now we have American firms buying up these units because there is so much big money involved and yet the government said half would be closed down soon, another lie. God help them all and take pity on them for this is a national disgrace hidden away from the population and people are suffering, being stripped and injected to act like zombies when they don't have a mental problem, they have autism.
Autism is not a mental health condition. Putting people with autism into a situation which will only cause extreme stress and meltdowns is disgusting. People are being failed. May God work a miracle and get those places closed down and free the people who should not be there in the first place.
I have recently escaped from severe insanity (undiagnosed mental illness with psychosis) and I am writing about my experiences in a bit of a how-to manual format at and would love to include people's experiences, wisdom, and insights in my writing if you are willing to share. Criticism welcome too - I am trying very hard not to write anything 'wrong'. Thanks!
I would like to inform you about Anna Deeter, a fraudster who can help you to ”eliminate stuttering in 3 days” for $8,000. This is my second post about the fraudsters who promise elimination of stuttering in 3 days. After reading it, you’ll be able to save $8,000 for your family. Read the post and also watch the video in YouTube under the name ”Anna Deeter - review: CAUTION!” For those, who already lost the money, it will show an elementary way to a mental equilibrium. I’ll try to explain what these people do and who they are in more detail. These fraudsters o ... [This message is long. Retrieve the whole message]
Well actually, stuttering is not a disease or an illness, but it is a neurological disorder. A disorder is a mental disability, but stuttering can be successfully overcame. You were right though, ....
Well actually, stuttering is not a disease or an illness, but it is a neurological disorder. A disorder is a mental disability, but stuttering can be successfully overcame. You were right though, Anna Deeter is in fact a crook/fraudulent who claims to eliminate stuttering in 3 days, it is not possible to eliminate stuttering in 3 days. She is just trying to steal $8,000 from people. All she cares about is money, not the person who is really in fact suffering from stuttering. It takes years to be able to overcome stuttering.