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Stories behind Moldavite Or Experiences With It?
caelum Views: 39,163
Published: 18 y

Stories behind Moldavite Or Experiences With It?

I have always been fascinated by astronomy, especially meteors - so i've been collecting tektite, small meteorites and most recently moldavite because I love it's colour and texture.

Upon reading a few articles on Moldavite tonight, i realized that I will soon be in posession of quite a number of good sized pieces of czech moldavite - which unbeknownst to me, have some kind of strange effect on people.

I'm almost afraid to open my mailbox when they arrive now - can someone please explain the stories i've heard, what this "spaced out" feeling is caused by when people use it, and more importantly, why i've read that "Its important to ONLY use moldavite for collecting, or in healing" and what the heck that's supposed to mean.
It sounds like an ominous warning.

It has me worried that there is some kind of potential bad that can becaused by these pieces. I really want to understand so I'm not afraid of the beautiful specimins i've purchased and would love to be able to wear (one is a huge, 88.5 carat sterling wire wrapped pendant) without worrying about what could(?) happen as a result.

I can't believe i've purchased something I've waited to hold in my hands for my whole adult life, and now these random stories i've read have me terrified of it before I've even touched it.

My only real experience with crystals of any kind is that oddly (and i don't follow new age or occult things) anytime i've worn a piece of amethyst or have worn it close to me, it breaks, cracks or shatters. (I've tested the theory on numerous pieces, thinking it was a fluke, or a bad stone - but every single time, they just crack in my hands, around my neck or while sitting somwhere close to me - very weird, cant explain that one either)

So anyone who has some info on these stories i've heard, or experiences with it themselves - i would really love to hear from you.




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