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wife facing gallbladder surgery - new to flushing
bcsdowlen Views: 6,606
Published: 22 y

wife facing gallbladder surgery - new to flushing

My wife and I are fairly new to the whole 'alternative' health scene, having been brainwashed into trusting the corpotate medical community to take care of us. She has been very ill for more than a year, and they can't figure out what to call it -- we won't let them call it Chronic Fatigue, because that just means "go away and stop asking hard questions"

Anyway, they did find Gallstones when doing an ultrasound to look at her kidneys (which have cysts - possible PKD). She had her first gallstone attack about a month ago and we found Dr. Hulda's flush and did it with great success. Over 400 stones throughout the day... no pain or nausea to speak of. Only a short time before that, we had gone to an iridologist and a chiro (for CRA) to try to get to root causes and stop responding to 2nd and 3rd tier symptoms.

Yesterday, we went to the E.R. due to another gallbladder attack, and they really shunned the idea of doing another flush. They didn't take out the gb because her white count and temperature weren't high enough to be classified as an emergency. The pain meds they gave her were as bad and maybe worse than the pain... go figure.

Anyway, we were wondering how often folks have done the flush in the 'heat of the moment' with major pain and cramping going on. Any ideas of the likelyhood of a flush actually causing a rupture? Or maybe a flush sending a stone to plug up the pancreas?

We are about to start Dr. Clark's flush again (maybe minus the oil) to see if we can get enough stones out to relieve the pain - without causing the gb to contract and rupture...

Anybody got first-hand advice?


Scott D



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