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Re: The Sanitization of Mercury - Cyanide Bracelets
Aharleygyrl Views: 7,791
Published: 18 y
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Re: The Sanitization of Mercury - Cyanide Bracelets

i don't think that is the only issue, whether what leaks out is enough to be toxic. the general public are not scientists and are basically sheep, in so much as, they are led by others who have the means and money to lead them. meaning, the corporations are able to collude with the government and produce products for consumers, and the consumers have a blind faith in those products. the government sets up entities like the FDA to make the general public think that everything out there within their jurisdiction, is safe. the problem is that corporations pay off the FDA and other agenies in order to get a product on the market or keep certain products out there. mercury amalgam and fluoride are two such examples. so the public is already at a disadvantage with brainwashing. then, the issue of the general public not knowing how really toxic mercury is, really becomes the issue.

i believe it isn't a question of how much comes off the teeth that is the hurdle the mercury opponents face, i believe it is the fact that most humans do not understand how minute an amount of mercury it takes to damage cells and destroy health. one BIG reason for this is because a filling is relatively small within the scale of our bodies. humans think that a small amount of something is not harmful. they are just not educated in detail on the most toxic substances on the planet. scientists who do know, isolate the general public from those things. so, by allowing mercury into fillings, it sends the message that a little bit of mercury doesn't hurt people. a perfect example of this also, is all the kids who were given mercury to play with as a kid, and all those who have taken thermometers apart and played with the little balls of mercury. when mercury from a thermometer is dumped in a lake, our govenment knows to shut down the lake, but when someone breaks open a thermometer, it isn't viewed by the average person, as toxic. now, i realize there are different forms of mercury, and that is how they are still able to get away with placing one kind in the mouth and saying oh, it is the kind that doesn't hurt you. well, it mixes with bacteria in the mouth and DOES form the more deadly type. but, then, that goes back to what i said before, in that, the general public are not scientists.


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