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Re: dark circles cure?
naturalhealth7 Views: 7,360
Published: 19 y
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Re: dark circles cure?

I don't care what research people are posting on the net. Soy has been cultivated for 3,000 years and consumed by people in the orient for at least that long. Use common sense. Why would people be initiating all these studies? It is simply because the meat and dairy industry want to stamp out soy - but they will continue to feed roasted soybeans to cows - along with feathers and blood from murdered animals. Women in the orient do not even have a word that means "menopause". Soy can be included in moderation in a healthy diet. That doesn't mean to eat every soy substitute on the shelf. Eliminating soy makes about as much sense as following the same "four food groups" that were gospel for so many years. I visited your link. The Doctor Within also advocates (in moderation) a diet including:

Clean meats, cooked rare ( clean means no hormones or Antibiotics )

Unprocessed fruit and vegetable juices


Raw dairy

Raw nuts and seeds

I'm with him on the fruit and veg juices, nuts, and seeds but I'll pass on the rest.

He advocates the following in rare circumstances:

Processed cheese

Commercial pizza

Commercial butter

Real ice cream (no gum)

Canned foods



Pasteurized dairy (as long as you don't mind liquid formica)

That will keep his patients coming back!

You can't trust everything that is posted on the web. You have to use your own common sense. I have been using soy for quite some time and my brain (to my knowledge) has not shrunk. That is one of the claims that is being made about soy. That it causes your brain to shrink!


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