22 y
Help:Huge 2.7cm stone! Can I do this cleanse?
I just got the results of an ultrasound...found 2.7
cm stone in the gallbladder. Family and Doctors want me to have the surgery. I am resisting. I want to do this cleanse and am willing to suspend for 60 days the surgery. I have read hundreds of questions and answers already but need some help. Can a stone this LARGE be passed? Should I take the Gold Coin Grass mentioned for a week or two prior to cleanse to break it up?
I am thinking of doing that and then doing the apple juice fruit diet for 3 days and on the fourth day doing the olive oil/grapefruite juice thing. I understand the
Epsom Salts can be mixed to make them palatable (And to enlarge the ducts) and that a blender maked the oil blend better with the juice...and that you can have a tiny bit of tomato juice if you feel nausea...Anything else I need to know?
I am very nervous about this as I am afraid that the stone will get stuck and I will end up in the emergency room trying to explain to a doctor what I was thinking when I took the olive oil and getting the "look" and then having to have the major surgery to look for the obstruction I created by my 'interference'! YIKES this is scary stuff.
Any response will be greatly appreciated. I really do not want to do the surgery but I also can't stand the attacks either.