23 y
So nervous & would appreciate feedback on Schulze's Liver Flush
Tommorrow I am going to take the plunge and do my first liver flush. I will do
Dr. Schulze 's b/c I have been doing his Superfood, Intestinal #1 and Intestinal #2 and have had good progress with it.
I have been ill with FM/CFS and chemicals sensitivities for 4 years now. Out of all the things that I have tried to get well (and I have tried so many!!) Schulze's colon cleansing brought me the best results. I have had a record in that I am going on my 7th week now with no muscle pains and no deblitating fatigue (AMAZING for me)and I am so grateful for this and so grateful for Schulze's products. I am hoping the
Liver Flush will take me to the next level of health and stop my hair and eye lashes from falling out!!!!
I will admit though; I am so nervous. I hope it all goes well. And I hate not knowing what to expect. I am also concerned about loosing too much weight while doing the 5 day cleanse and fast b/c as it is already I am 15 lbs under weight do to this long term illness. Also worried about loosing more hair, have already lost 3/4's of my hair due to this illness.
I would greatly appreciate and feedback from others who have done the Schulze's flush. Sometimes it helps just knowing what to expect.
You guys are great! Thanks for all your help.