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personal thoughts
Wrenn Views: 1,921
Published: 21 y
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personal thoughts

i kept getting hung up on my interpretation of the word forgiveness. and what i had *boxed * in my head as prerequisites for it..

when i released all of preconcieved ideas..
i din't even consider the word forgiveness as part of the procedure i am utilising
but rather *releasing* the negative repressions from within me,
by choice because i want my self to be healthy..

when i compare this in my mind with forgiveness
as i had percieved it to be.., then the word forgivenss
becomes completely moot.

it is as stated at beginning of your post in Ghandis words..

Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors.
Keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits.
Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.
Mahatma Gandhi

when i think anger or upset still held from wrongdoings pressed upon me, i try to just change my focus and instead release anger, release spite etc et..
focus on where i am now/ and loving who i am now
and where i will go from here
not bind ing myself with such lower calibration thoughts
esp sinc eto engage in lower vibration thoughts for any
length of time draws like calibrated energies to you ..
so you really are responsible for much of what comes your way

i think it is for this reason that so many structured religions
teach the term called forgiveness as a means of ridding oneself
of the negative energy
no matter what you choose to call it/ it is still a matter of choice, and a free will exercise in opening positive energy flow and restoring health in spirit/ mental and physical realms.

my thoughts since i kep gettign hung up on the word rather than the reason and the outcome.. think pas tthe word and any interpretation youapply to it/ just release and move on.
a really good additional complement to this post is your posts on the spirtuality or higher awareness forum
titled pink mirrors etc/


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