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Re: Dr Clark and Dr Morales??
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Re: Dr Clark and Dr Morales??

As far as I have gathered Dr Clark 'now' does recommend composites as long as they are zappicated afterwards - which means elctronically hardened. A simple and permanent solution.
The only proviso is that they are metal-free. Now I don't know if that means plastic-ONLY or if it includes the more 'advanced' composites that are PEX, like Diamond Lite. I'm sure you'll know more Torri, but what I can gather there is a plastic structure in the Diamond Lite which means that it could also be hardened.
What essentially in laymans terms is the difference between a non-metal composite and Diamond Lite?

I live in South Africa and opted for the Diamond Lite as could not get to Mexico. But I know of some people who have gone and are willing to go. Either to see Dr Morales, or Dr Solaro/Arichega that Dr Clark works closely with.

An interesting comment made by a friend today was, "Why aren't clear plastic fillings used so that decay can be seen should it occur underneath instead of Dyed version (obviously not in anterior locations for aesthetics?' I have just had some older composites removed that I was assured were okay and contanined no cavities in the teeth. It turns out that there ware cavities/decay under most, but especially under the ones that had 'sealant' that was supposed to prevernt cavities. It basically ate into my teeth - or at least that is what it seems like. I believe that, as Dr Clark says, the ingrediemnts of the sealants provide a certain food source for these pathogens. For example Nickel which feeds yeast/Candida - well, that was a main problem of mine before removal of old composites, root canal extraction, cavitation cleaning and nickel crown replacement with Diamond Crown.



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