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The common denominator in natural cancer cures
Jean Views: 4,625
Published: 23 y

The common denominator in natural cancer cures

While I'm on a roll, let me has already identified great antioxidants, i.e., tea, red wine, chocolate, dark green leafy vegetables, garlic, onions, parsley, nuts, radishes, beets, carrots, and a variety of herbs......they are all very high in oxalic acid. What about the controversy about the use of Cell Phone s and brain cancer, exposure to x-rays and radiation leading to the formation of cancer later on, the contributing factors to the formation of cancer because of alcohol use, the advice to avoid red meat, the controversy about mammograms and development of cancer, and the concept that milk is not a healthy food? Each of these and many more are answered when you understand the role that oxalic acid plays in the elimination of abnormal cells within the blood of all mammals. I am aware the web page is not the most professional web page I've ever seen (to say the least), BUT the information therein is worthy of reading. Take time to look at this seriously and compare it to all that has been written by our traditional medical society and the proponents of alternative medicine. The missing piece to the puzzle is provided.


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