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Fasting Headaches? Why! What to do to solve the problem!

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Fasting Headaches? Why! What to do to solve the problem!

Hi Ya'll,

It seems that many people are having headaches and some are asking why when doing a fast!

Headaches may be caused from two things!

If the body becomes too Acidic, this may cause a Headache!

If the blood Sugar drops to much too rapidly, this may cause the other type of headache!

If your headache starts in the back of your neck, this type of headache is generally because the body has become too Acidic!

Temporarily you may solve this type of a headache on the short term by putting one tablespoonful of baking soda into an 8oz glass of water and sipping on this for at least 30 minutes, "do not drink it down quickly"!

This is only a temporary fix, and one must change one's Diet so as to provide enough Alkaline Minerals to the body so as to solve to problem long term!

Now as to the other kind of headache, it is one which generally starts in behind the eyes, and this kind of headache is caused by Low blood sugars!

This kind may be solved by drinking a Lemon juice and Blackstrap molasses drink or an ACV and blackstrap molasses drink!

And some times one may have both kinds of headache as the body floats from one problem to the other!

You must identify which area the headache starts from and then apply the proper solution!

Now as to why one may get a headache when doing a fast or cleanse!

When one is fasting, this causes the body to draw on it's reserves of the body, which means the body fats!

The body fats contain stored Toxins and excess body Acids, so when you release these into the Lymph system thru fasting, this may cause the body to become to Acidic, thus causing your problems!

This is one of the reasons I have been reccomending to people to take Lime water and Lemon juice and Blackstrap molasses when doing a fast or cleanse!

For these may help regulate the blood Sugar and keep the body pH from going too Acid!

Smile Tis your choice.


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