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Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

MH 108 8 Views: 37
Published: 50 h



Is suppose to be the King of Bitter Herbs!

Books say it is basically a cure-all herb.

There have been many books written about just 1 herb, but very few herbs have as many claims as Andrographis.

A cure for snake bite they say-----and like Virginia Snake Rt., it too is suppose to work for snake bites and it also a miraculous plant, but the root is used and the plant so small, it is all but obsolete today---only the rarest of herbalist have such an herb in their collection; while Andrographis is abundant.

The best way to use such herbs was always as tinctures; that and they last for hundreds of years when make correct and get better with age.

Ideally only adults self-experiment with tinctures and the best is by the dropper in the mouth and hold until the taste has left and then swallow......

Virginia Snake Wort you are suppose to feel better in just a minute or two. With Andrographis you get a potent taste of ? Green Weed......and being the King of the Bitters? Surely Cascara Sagrada is surely 100x more bitter, in fact I do not taste any "bitter" at all-- just super strong weed taste.........

the herbs of India fame often do not turn out to be what they are hyped up to be------but with every herb, a person has to self-experiment and discover if the authors were just paid _____s or they were legit. Most after 1950 are just paid writers to sale products.

It never helps when an herb has a yuk taste, but if Andrographis does just 1/2 what books claim, it would be a must have herb......



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