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Image Embedded Dropping Out of the Wheel_

Original Dr. Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Original Dr. Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Dropping Out of the Wheel_


Dropping Out of the Wheel

If you meditate and become aware of your inner being in dreams, many more things will happen. The first: by and by, the more you become aware of your dreams, you will be less and less convinced of the reality of your waking hours. Hence, Hindus say that the world is like a dream.

Right now just the opposite is the case: because you are so much convinced of the reality of the world in your waking hours, you think while you dream that those dreams are also real. Nobody feels while dreaming that the dream is unreal. While dreaming it looks perfect, it looks absolutely real. In the morning of course you may say it was just a dream, but that is not the point because now another mind is functioning. This mind was not a witness at all; this mind has only heard the rumor. This conscious mind that wakes in the morning and says it was all dream, this mind was not a witness at all. So how this mind can say anything? - he has simply heard a rumor. As if you are asleep and two persons are talking, and you just - in your sleep, because they are talking so loudly - hear some words from here and there and just a hodge-podge impression is left.

This is happening: while the unconscious creates dreams and tremendous activity goes on, the conscious is asleep and just hears the rumor, and in the morning says, "It is all false. It was just a dream." Right now, whenever you dream you feel it is absolutely real. Even absurd things look real, illogical things look real, because the unconscious knows no logic.


You are walking on a road in a dream, a horse you see coming, and suddenly the horse is no more horse, the horse has become your wife. And nothing happens to your mind, that "How it can be possible? The horse has so suddenly become my wife?" No problem arises, no doubt arises. The unconscious knows no doubt. Even such an absurd phenomenon is believed; you are convinced of the reality.

Just the opposite happens when you become aware of the dreams and you feel they are really dreams - nothing is real, just mind-drama, a psycho-drama. You are the stage, and you are the actors, and you are the story-writer, and you are the director, and you are the producer, and you are the spectator - nobody else there, just a mind creation. When you become aware of this, then this whole world while you will be waking will change its quality. Then you will see here also, same is the case-on a wider stage, but the dream is the same.


Hindus call this world also maya, illusory, dreamlike, mind-stuff. What do they mean? Do they mean that it is unreal? No, it is not unreal. But when your mind gets mixed into it, you create an unreal world of your own. We don't live in the same world; everybody lives in his own world. There are as many worlds as there are minds. When Hindus say that these worlds are maya, they mean the reality plus mind is maya. Reality, that which is, we don't know. Reality plus mind is illusion, maya. When somebody becomes totally awakened, a Buddha, then he knows reality minus mind. Then it is the truth, the brahman, the ultimate. Plus mind, and everything becomes dream, because mind is the stuff that creates dreams. Minus mind, nothing can be a dream; only reality remains in its crystal purity. Mind is just like a mirror. In the mirror the world reflects. That reflection cannot be real, that reflection is just a reflection. When the mirror is no more there, the reflection disappears. Now you can see the real.


A full-moon night and the lake is silent and the moon is reflected in the lake and you try to catch the moon. This is all that everybody has been doing for many lives - trying to catch the moon in the mirror of the lake. And of course you never succeed - you cannot succeed - it is not possible. One has to forget about the lake and look exactly in the opposite direction. There is the moon.

Mind is the lake in which the world becomes illusory. Whether you dream with closed eyes or you dream with open eyes makes no difference. If the mind is there, all that happens is dream. This will be the first realization if you meditate on dreams.

Mind is the Mechanism that Reflects
The Witness is the Watcher Behind Mind

And the second realization will be that you are a witness: dream is there but you are not part of it. You are not part of your mind, you are a transcendence. You are in the mind but you are not the mind. You look through the mind but you are not the mind. You use the mind but you are not the mind. Suddenly you are a witness - no more a mind. And this witnessing is the final, the ultimate realization. Then, whether dream while asleep or whether dream while awake makes no difference, you remain a witness. You remain in the world, but the world cannot enter in you anymore. Things are there but the mind is not in the things, and the things are not in the mind. Suddenly the witness comes in and everything changes.

It is very, very simple once you know the knack of it. Otherwise, it looks very very difficult, almost impossible - how to awake while dreaming? Looks impossible but it is not: three to nine months it will take if you every night go to sleep - while falling into sleep, trying to be alert and watching it. But remember, don't try to be alert in an active sense, otherwise you will not be able to fall asleep. Passive alertness: loose, naturally relaxed, just looking by the corner, not too much active about it, just passive awareness, not too much concerned. Sitting by the side and the river flows by and you are just watching.


Three to nine months this takes. Then someday, suddenly the sleep is falling on you like a dark screen, like a dark curtain, as if the sun has set and the night is descending. It settles all around you, but deep inside a flame goes on burning. You are watching - silent, passive. Then the world of dream starts. Then many plays happen, many psychodramas, and you go on watching. By and by, the distinction comes into existence - now you can see what type of dream. Then suddenly, one day you realize that this is the same as while waking. There is no difference of quality. The whole world has become illusory. And when the world is illusory, only the witness is real.

This is what Patanjali means when he says,


- and that will make you a realized one.


Meditate on the face of your beloved. Meditate. If you love flowers, meditate on a rose. Meditate on the moon, or whatsoever you like. If you love food, meditate on food. Why Patanjali says "... whatsoever appeals to you"? Because meditation should not be a forced effort. If it is forced, it is doomed from the very beginning. A forced thing will never make you natural. So from the very beginning, find out something which appeals to you. There is no need to create unnecessary conflict. And this is to be understood, because mind has a natural capacity to meditate if you give it objects which are appealing to it.

In a small school, a child is listening: the birds are chirping in the trees and he is listening, and he is raptly listening - he is in rapport. He has forgotten the teacher, he has forgotten the class. He is no more there; he is rapt attention. Meditation has happened.

And then the teacher says, "What are you doing? Are you asleep? Concentrate here on the board!" Now the child has to try, make effort. Those birds never said anything to the child that, "Look we are singing here. Be attentive!" Simply it happened because it had a deep appeal for the child. This blackboard looks so ugly and this teacher looks so murderous, and the whole thing is forced. He will try, but by effort nobody can meditate. Again and again the mind will slip. So many things are happening outside the room: suddenly a dog starts barking or a beggar passes by singing, or somebody is playing on a guitar. So many millions of things are happening outside, and he has to bring his attention again and again to the blackboard, to the ugly schoolroom.


We have made schools just like prisons. In India, the school building and the prison building has the same color, red. Schoolrooms are ugly. Nothing is appealing there: no toys, no music, no trees, no birds - nothing. The schoolroom is meant to force your attention. You have to learn to concentrate.

And this is the difference between concentration and meditation: concentration is a forced thing, meditation is natural. Says Patanjali,


- then spontaneously your whole being starts flowing. Just look at the face of your beloved. In her eyes, meditate.

Ordinary religious teachers will say, "What are you doing? Is this meditation?" They teach not to think of your beloved while you are meditating. They think that is a distraction. And this is a subtle point to be understood: there are no distractions in the world. If you make unnatural efforts, then there are distractions - you create them. Your whole being would like to watch the face of your wife, husband, your child, and the religious teacher says, "These are allurements, these are the distractors. You go to the temple, to the church; meditate on the cross." You meditate on the cross: again and again you remember your beloved. Now the face of the beloved becomes a distraction. Not that it is distraction - there is nothing special in meditating on the cross; you are simply stupid. What is the need to go and meditate on the cross? If it appeals you it is good, but there is no necessity. There is no special quality in a cross.

In fact, wherever meditation happens, there is the special quality. Meditation brings the special quality. It is not in the objects, it is in you. When you meditate on something, you give your inner being to it. Suddenly it becomes sacred, holy. Things are not holy; meditation makes them holy. You can meditate on a rock, and suddenly the rock becomes the temple. No Buddha is so beautiful like that rock when you meditate on it. What is meditation? It is showering the rock with your consciousness. It is moving around the rock, so absorbed, so deep in rapport, that the bridge is there between you and the rock. The gap disappears you are bridged. In fact, you don't know now who is the observer and who is the observed. The observer becomes the observed, the observed becomes the observer. Now you don't know who is the rock and who is the meditator. Suddenly, the energies meet and mingle, and there is the temple. Don't unnecessarily create distractions - then you become miserable.

Somebody was here and he is doing a certain type of mantra for many years, and he says, "Distraction comes again and again." I asked, "What is the distraction?" His wife has died and he loved her very much. And I used to know that woman; she was really a beautiful person. He has never remarried. He really loved her. No other woman ever attracted him. Now she is dead and the vacuum is there, and he feels the loneliness.

Because of this loneliness he went to some teacher, that "How to get rid of the memory of my wife?" So he gave him a mantra. Now, he has been chanting the mantra for at least three years, and suddenly again and again while he is chanting the mantra like a robot, the wife comes, the face appears. He has not been able to forget the wife. The mantra has not proved strong enough, so he was here, very miserable. He said, "Three years have passed and I am always haunted by her memory, and it seems that I cannot get out of it. And even this mantra has not helped. And three years, really and religiously I have been doing it."

I said, "You are a fool. There is no need to do this mantra. Repeat your wife's name; make it a mantra. Keep her photo before you: look at the photo make it the image of the divine." He said, "What are you saying? She is my distraction." So I said, "Make the distraction your meditation. Why create conflict?"

Distraction can be made the very object of meditation. And it is distraction because there is some appeal deep down, some harmony. That's why the mantra proved impotent, futile because the mantra is just overimposed. Somebody says some word and you repeat it, and the word has no appeal for you. It never existed for you before, it has no roots in you. The wife is very deep. Love is deeper than any mantra, so why waste your time? He said, "I will try." And just after few days he wrote a letter, that "This is tremendous! I am feeling so calm and so peaceful. And really, my wife is so beautiful. There is no need to think that she is distracting me."

Remember this, because you may be doing many things like that. Whenever you feel something is distracting, that simply shows that you are naturally attracted towards that, nothing else. So why create conflict? - move into the same direction; make it an object of meditation. Be natural, don't be suppressive and don't create conflict, and you will attain.

Nobody ever attains through conflict. Conflict will create a split personality. Move to the natural attraction; then you are one, then you are whole, then you are together. Then you are one piece, not a house divided against itself. And when you move as one piece there is dance in your step and there is nothing which is not divine.


You may be surprised - it happened: one great Buddhist monk, Nagarjuna, was staying in a small village. Somebody came... somebody became very attracted to him. But the man said that "Your style of life, the way you move like an emperor in the robes of a beggar, appeals deeply. I would also like to become a religious man, but there is a trouble. I have a cow, and I love her too much. And she is so beautiful. And I cannot leave her." Just a cow... He had no wife, no children, he got never married, but he loves the cow. And he felt a little foolish while he was saying this. He said, "Because I know you will understand, that's why I am saying. But this is my whole trouble: so much attachment with this cow. And I have brought her up and she has become so much one with me and she loves me. So what to do? So Nagarjuna said, "There is no need to go anywhere. If somebody loves someone so deeply, then there is no need to move anywhere. Make this love your meditation. Meditate on the cow."

Don't create any conflict. Remember, if love and meditation are in conflict, meditation will be defeated. Love will be victorious because love is so beautiful. Meditation can be victorious only on the wings of love. Use love as a vehicle.

This is what Patanjali means:


- whatsoever it is; I make no distinction. And there is no need to cling to one object, because objects may change. This morning you may feel like you love your child, and tomorrow you may not feel. Then don't create any conflict. Always find wherever your love is flowing; ride on your love. Today it is a flower, tomorrow it is a child, the day after tomorrow it is the moon - that's not the problem; every object is beautiful - wherever your appeal, flow naturally, ride on it, meditate on it. The emphasis is on being whole, undivided. In your undivided being, meditation blooms.


From the smallest to the greatest, he becomes master of all. Meditation is the door to the infinite power. Meditation is the door to the superconscious.

Conscious you are: move into the depths of the unconscious. It is going into the basement of your being. Gather more and more awareness so you can move into sleep, into dream. Start by gathering awareness in your waking hours; that will help you to move into the unconscious. Then gather more awareness into the unconscious; that will help you to move into the superconscious. Energy will be needed. Your energy right now is just like a flicker - not enough. Create more energy through awareness.

It is just like you heat water, or you heat ice. If you heat ice it melts. On a certain degree of heat it becomes water. Then you have to heat it more if you want it to evaporate. Then go on heating - then on a certain degree, a hundred degrees, suddenly it takes a jump and evaporates. Quantity changes into quality. Quantitative change becomes qualitative. Below a certain degree it is ice, beyond that degree it becomes water. Below a certain degree, again it remains water; beyond that degree it evaporates, becomes vapor. When it is ice, it is almost dead and closed - cold, not warm enough to be alive. When it is water, it is more flowing, more alive, not closed. It has melted, it is warmer. But water moves downwards. When it evaporates, the dimension has changed; it is no more horizontal, it becomes vertical; it goes upwards.

First become more and more alert in waking hours. That will bring you to a certain degree of heat. It is really a certain degree of inner heat, a certain temperature of your consciousness. That will help you to move into the unconscious. Then become more and more conscious into the unconscious. More effort will be needed, more energy will be created. Then suddenly one day you will find you are moving upwards; you have become weightless. Now the gravitation doesn't affect you. You are becoming superconscious.

Superconscious has all power: it is omnipotent, it is omniscient, it is omnipresent. Superconscious is everywhere. Superconscious has every power that is possible, and superconscious sees everything - it has become absolute clarity of vision.

That's what Patanjali says:





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