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Original Dr. Hulda Clark
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Re: Chris Thomas - Psychic Surgeon & Akashic Reader

twll wrote:

"Have you ever heard of Billy Carson. He believes humans were bred from aliens, to be used as slave labor."

Chris Thomas explains how all that came about. Yeah, it is made up BS, it was made up by the Annunaki, who wanted humanity to believe that they were the creators of mankind. Its quite a story to get into, way too much & too deep to get into here & now.

Zecharia Sitchin

This is the nonsense that was put out by Zecharia Sitchin, who was a fraud & a member of some secret society - likely, the Illuminati.

Sitchin video interview w/ Jordan Maxwell

Jordan Maxwell knew Zecharia Sitchin well. They were business partners by Maxwell's own admission. Maxwell had been interviewed by Project Camelot's Kerry Cassidy & Project Avalon's Bill Ryan, in studio was also David Wilcock. Not sure if that interview is still available on Youtube. Oh, but I found it posted on Bitchute (will post it below). But, within that interview Jordan Maxwell admitted that he had some secret about Sitchin but refused to come out with it on camera.

I used to be a member of Bill Ryan's Project Avalon forum when Bill Ryan dropped a bombshell of a post (Click to view) about what Jordan Maxwell's secret regarding Sitchin & what it was all about. I took a screenshot of it when I saw it. Bill Ryan, although he did not mention Jordan Maxwell by name, he admitted in that post that Sicthin never actually translated the Sumerian clay tablets. Instead, he was fed that information through a method of channeling called "Automatic Writing" -- Wikipedia. Then wrote several books with that channeled information. That is where all this nonsense comes from about aliens [Annunaki] being our creator gods. As noted in Bill's post, Sitchin also was paid by the NSA to keep them updated on what he was being channeled. Everyone wants a piece of the action, I suppose. Note the part underlined in red.

So, who was it that channeled that information to Sitchin? Well, it was the Annunaki themselves.

Michael Heiser

The notion that Zecharia Sitchin was an expert on the Sumerian language was very much disputed by renown Biblical scholar Michael Heiser. View video w/ this link >>> <<<. It was all a pretense by Sitchin. He then made a good living off of selling many books that used that channeled information. Add to that, he was also paid a stipend by the NSA for him to keep them updated on what the Annunaki [a.k.a. Velon] were communicating to him.

I'm surprised that this nonsense is still going on to this day, it even appears to be growing like 'Fake News' MSM propaganda. 

Project Camelot Interviews Jordan Maxwell

2007 Interview - Originally Published in 2009


The following video, Zecharia Sitchin Exposed shows that he was indeed a part of some sort of secret society. As the camera strolled by, it is obvious that Sitchin did not want his face to be seen on camera as being a participant in the ceromony. Its an old video - mirror copy of a mirror copy of the original. Click on the image to view the video.






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