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Chris Thomas - Psychic Surgeon & Akashic Reader


The ability for some humans to receive channeled messages from an alien race could also be relevant to having received an alien energy implant, as explained below.

Re: Channeling St. Germain:

I have posted Chris Thomas' material here previously. Chris Thomas is a psychic healer & reader of the Akashic, living in Southwest Wales, U.K. His ability to 'read' the Akashic came since his birth & was realized at a very young age. This is where he has found most of the information that he has written about.  

Chris had previously written several pdf essays that he posted on the internet. Within those essays he explains that there is a certain race of Alien ETs that have an agenda to take possession of this planet for themselves. The central race of ETs is called the Velon race. The Velon race breaks down into various subraces, two of which are called the Annunaki & the Hathor. The Velon subraces are as follows:


These alien subraces are no friends to humanity, although they pretend to be. This is so they can implement their agenda, as they first have to scheme their way into having the human race eliminate themselves before they can take over the planet & claim it for themselves. All these subraces are really not acting in harmony with each other, but they are in competition with each other. At times they are actually at war with each other - fighting over who will be the first.

When they first arrived within our solar system, one of the subraces made contact with a few individuals that were affiliated with those that were involved with the creation of the Bavarian Illuminati. Since then, they have manipulated the leaders of nations & world elites into carrying out their nefarious plans. The main way that they make contact & influence various human beings is through psychic channeling, as the receivers of such channeled messages feel that they have been 'chosen' by 'higher entities' - as in being one of the "chosen few". Channelers of psychic message often believe & feel as though it is a religious experience they are having. Guillibility Factor runs high in such individuals. Channeling is a way for these entities to embed & implement their ideas, especially if they can tap into those that are in positions of power & influence. They need humans to do their dirty work for them.

Chris Thomas has previously written:

"This war is between the various Velon factions but the battlefield is Earth and the ultimate casualties are humans." -- Inter-Galactic War

If you are interested, twll:
Many of Chris Thomas pdf essays can be found at this link:

With regard to the video & the notion that we need to step up & take care of the planet:

Be careful with the collectivism that is being promoted there. The 'New Age' channeling of "I am" 'Tibetan Mahatmas' came out with Madame Blavatsky & her Theosophist movement. 

The notion that the planet needs us humans to take care of her, that to take care of our planet is our responsibility, this is a collectist marxism view. It is the same view that the "World-Economic-Forum" espouses, like humans are the cause for the Global Warming nonsense. 

The planet is our host. The planet can very take care of itself, regardless of what humans are doing. If the planet has had enough of us & our doings, then it will shake us off like a dog shakes off the fleas that are on its back.

Responsibility is individual. Responsible to our own Self. It is not my responsibiliy to awaken others. Others have the responsibility to awaken themselves. And with that awakening, there is no need to take care of the planet. It will come automatically with one's own awakening.   

-Just saying.  




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