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you need to liver flush to cure seb derm!!
sjhal12 Views: 187
Published: 61 d

you need to liver flush to cure seb derm!!

Hi everyone

This is LONGGGGG overdue..but I really felt it was time to give back by sharing my testimony on here for those who may be suffering and looking for answers.

I have had all the classic issues which contributed to a full body/health breakdown in 2016. Issues were:

- very toxic and abusive childhood (fear, anxiety, chronic stress as a very young child which just got worse and worse)
- then started eating junk food very regularly, smoking and very excessive drinking in my early 20s
- used to think I was getting away with everything because I never gained any weight and I looked good so I continued abusing my body
- very toxic friends/relationships in general (had no boundaries/people pleasing) etc..
- when I was 25 I started noticing very bad Acne on my back and shoulders. It was chronic. Looking back I now understand this was due to the toxins trying to get out of the body. I went to the doctor and he told me I need to go on 4-6 month course of Antibiotics (Lymecycline)
- I took the prescription while I was working a nightshift job that I just started (stupidly)
- ever since I took the medication I never felt the same. My body began to breakdown 5-6 months after taking the pills
- symptoms I had were: Seb derm all over the scalp and also on my forehead and underneath the eyebrows (would take hair off my eyebrows as I took out the skin) hair shedding all over, gall bladder attacks, poor digestion, sharp cramping in toes/feet, burning sensation in the face/scalp, feeling very cold all the time, chronic fatigue syndrome, Arthritis EC (the list goes on)…

I have done a lot of work on myself since 2016. I’ve had to really work on getting therapy with a therapist to deal with my emotions and had to cut very toxic people/family out of my life for good as my health was more important

I have done many strict diets, coffee enemas were really important for me at one point. Did tonnes of fasting.

I was so depressed all the time because my face had been affected by the Seb derm so bad. It would look horrible in the sunlight and I would constantly have to keep checking the mirror to see if there were any flakes I became a lepper and literally became unemployed because of this. I could no longer show myself to the world it was horrible.

All areas of health are important but if your dealing with Seb derm you have to do liver flushing. You may have to do many many flushes. I did a few Andrea’s moritz flushes between 2018-2020 and noticed huge shifts in my internal health but the Seb derm still continued

In may 2022 I said fck it I’m going to do as many flushes as it will take because I tried everything else and nothing had worked. I saw some flushers on YouTube who have done 200 flushes and was determined at this point to do whatever it was going to take to get rid of this condition.

I did one flush in may 2022 and the Seb derm flare ups I got every single morning for 6 years literally turned off like flicking a f**king switch!?!?!

The Seb derm on my forehead is clearing up and I now feel so much more comfortable in my own skin.

I’m doing Liver Flushing continuously as I still have a way to go but I have made significant progress so far so thought i would share.

Please look into Liver Flushing and take it very seriously as it’s the only thing that can actually cure the seb derm

Topicals will not work in resolving this issue


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