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Re: Parasite treatment with MSM DMSO MMS/CDS/Sodium Chlorite? Associated with morgellons, Lyme, mystery bug, bird parasite, wood parasites/Gall?
WantToLiveABitBetter Views: 849
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Re: Parasite treatment with MSM DMSO MMS/CDS/Sodium Chlorite? Associated with morgellons, Lyme, mystery bug, bird parasite, wood parasites/Gall?

Hi, thank you, but a bit off topic.

Frankly, I find knowledge here a bit constricted. I was unable to research myself, but found two pages:

A guide:

One of the pages is gone.

I find alivenhealthy very useful

There is a certain protocol here, I have asked for reports from anybody of it working, and revived nothing, nor any communication from the author, and didn't find it worked myself. Why?

It has come to my attention, that certain agencies are pumping out misinformation, to divert people from the truth, make them feel discouraged and look wrong so they can be majorly Gas Lighted, about things often developed in official labs for weapons purposes that they don't want to be acknowledged and get in trouble for, and often have people mistreated by health control mechanisms they have influence over. Which is the experience of many. As much as you would like to reading with them, "useful idiots", as they are called on planning documents, are Nutters, suffering from delusional psychiatric conditions, who are unable to accept evidence contrary to the unfounded suggestions given to them to control them. Pretty low life stuff. So, we don't know which things are this or another. But, the group should verify all protocols and sources, and mark those with consistent evidence testimonials that it works on threads. Some of these things waste years off of somebody's life trying to get to work.



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