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Up and down results after starting iodine.

Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Clarkia Extra Strong
Clarkia Tincture 2 oz, 4 oz, 8 oz, and 16 oz

hammer4 Views: 1,833
Published: 22 m

Up and down results after starting iodine.

Hey CureZone,

I'm having some extremely positive results with Iodine - but they're inconsistent. I'd love to know if you've had similar experiences.

First day I took it - WOW! Suddenly I had energy and clarity like never before. Not like a caffeine high, just smooth energy.

But that wore off after a day or 2. Then felt crappy for a couple weeks before another random amazing day.

After another week I decided to take a week off iodine. Did salt loading + selenium and such.

Came back - BAM! Again, incredible 1-2 days. But it wore off again. After another crappy week I tried nascent Iodine (was doing Lugols) - woah, another hit! This one lasted 36 hours or so before again back to exhaustion.

So I'm in a pickle. I know it's clearly a huuuge factor for me. I have *never* felt these kinds of results in the last 10 years I've been trying to heal chronic fatigue. But in a way it's almost more frustrating to taste what it feels like to feel good only for it to disappear.

Quick background - hypo for many years, taken all types of thyroid Rx (they improve the #'s but not the symptoms), treated for Lyme several years ago, main symptoms are fatigue, poor digestion, brain fog, dry/itchy scalp. All that said I'm 33, lean, active, eat healthy.

After reading thru Curezone, I'm gonna try pulse dosing a bit (taking 48 hours off, salt loading, nutrients) and come back. And I'm contemplating going above 50mg Lugols since many seem to get good results going high right away.

And maybe the answer is just patience and time :)

Any help or anecdotes are much appreciated. Thank you!

PS. the only co-nutrients I have not been taking are Vit C and B2/B3 since I eat a pretty clean diet. But decided to buy those too just in case.


TLDR: some random amazing days on iodine, no sickness or obvious herx symptoms, want to get it right!


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