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Original Hulda Clark
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Question 6


If you step out of it you will become a dog. If you are lost, completely lost -- nobody is left who can step out of it -- you will become a god. So don't ask me how to step out of it. This is the ego asking how to step out of it. You are in a limbo? Beautiful, good. Get a little more lost -- become the limbo. Get a little more lost! You are lost a little: the half of the dog is lost.

In India we have beautiful parables about the whole path of humanity. One of the most symbolic and meaningful stories is of the incarnation of God known as Narsiha -- half man/ half lion. One of the incarnations of the Hindu gods is Narsiha -- half-man/half-lion. This is the state of limbo. When you start feeling that you are half-dog/half-god; when you start feeling that you are neither god nor dog, everything is lost, boundaries blurred; when you feel yourself in the middle of the bridge; this is a Narsiha state: half-man/half-lion.

If you try to get out of it, you will be fully lion, because you will be more condensed then. You will fall back. Getting out of it means falling out of it, falling back. That will not be a progress, growth. No need. Get more and more lost. Why are you so afraid of the limbo? Because you are feeling a little lost, the identity is no longer clear; you cannot see your own image perfectly, the boundaries blurred; your face is no longer fixed. Your life has become more fluid. It is no longer like a stone. It is more like a water, without any shape, formless. You are afraid.

The one who is afraid within you is the dog, because if you go a few steps more the dog will be lost completely.

First, when one starts on the journey, one is like frozen water, ice, cold, stonelike. When one moves, the frozenness melts, the ice becomes water. This is the state of the limbo, the state of Narsiha, half way. If you go further ahead you will evaporate. Not only that you will be liquid water, you will become evaporation.

You will be seen no more; you will simply disappear. If you become afraid of the disappearance, you will fall back. You will try to get frozen again so that you can get a shape, a form, a name -- nama-rupa: name and form. Hindus have called this world the world of nama-rupa, name and form. Then you will have an identity; you will know who you are.

Only a dog knows who he is -- everything settled, relaxed. If you move on the path, everything is unhinged -- mountains are no longer mountains, rivers no longer rivers. Great confusion arises, chaos; but remember, only out of chaos, dancing stars are born. Remember, only out of chaos God is found. Then, the third stage is: evaporate, disappear completely without leaving a trace behind.

Not even a footprint is left. You are nowhere. You have become a nowhere -- and this is the state I call the state of God.

That's why you cannot see God. You go on searching and searching: you will be lost one day, and that will be how God is found. God will not be found. You will not encounter God standing somewhere, because who will encounter? If you are still there to encounter, God is not possible. When you are no longer there who will encounter? You will not encounter God as an object. You will encounter him as your innermost core. But that is possible only when you melt, you become fluid like water, then you evaporate -- you become a cloud moving in the sky, with no address, no name, no form, a hidden cloud, whereabouts unknown.

That is the fear: because it is a great death. It is dying to the whole past. All that you are has to be left, crucified. Die before death, that's the only way to become a god. Don't be afraid of the state of limbo; otherwise you can fall back. You will crystallize again like ice. You will have a nama-rupa, a name-form, identity, but you have missed.

Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 6
Chapter #10
Chapter title: All Problems are Unreal
10 September 1975 am in Buddha Hall



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