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TrishP333 Views: 912
Published: 30 m


So tell me how I have shrunk over 3 inches, and my head has shrunk, and something like a cheese stick consistency came down the back of my throat. Something cracked thru my skull ( and others heard the sound ) and this huge ass thing like a worm fell down from my head to my side when this happened. So tell me how I feel wire like things wrapping everywhere, and then when they break they sound like little rubber bands, and you feel a release wherever they were wrapping you up. Tell me how there are cyst balls, hundreds of them that you can touch on my body everywhere, and some of them have burst, and hot liquid comes running down on the inside and you cant wipe it away because its on the inside. Lower level mobs, drug dealers, and HOSPITALS, can be doing this shit to people. Pressing on my spine till part of it is so inflamed and bulged, that its pressing on a nerve that controls part of my central nervous system. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? Everyone does NOTHING. NOONE TALKS ABOUT IT. Hospitals, when you sign things, can then track you forever, and see OH HOW FAR CAN WE PUSH THIS PERSON TILL THEY BREAK AND STILL REMAIN ALIVE. They are making billions off of your suffering. SILENCE IS THE SAME THING AS PARTICIPATING IN THE CRIME. Sick of it. I AM IN PAIN. I AM SUFFERING. I WANT JUSTICE. NOT REVENGE. JUSTICE. Dont you?


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